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View space savings with FlexClone files and FlexClone LUNs

Contributors netapp-aaron-holt dmp-netapp netapp-aherbin

You can view the percentage of disk space saved by block sharing on a volume containing FlexClone files and FlexClone LUNs. You might do this as part of capacity planning.

  1. To view the space saving achieved due to FlexClone files and FlexClone LUNs, enter the following command:

    df -s volname

    volname is the name of the FlexVol volume.


    If you run the df -s command on a deduplication-enabled FlexVol volume, you can view the space saved by both deduplication and FlexClone files and LUNs.


The following example shows the space saving on a FlexClone volume test1:

systemA> df -s test1

Filesystem         used   saved   %saved Vserver
/vol/test1/        4828    5744     54%  vs1

Learn more about the commands described in this procedure in the ONTAP command reference.