Convert from RAID-DP to RAID-TEC
If you want the added protection of triple-parity, you can convert from RAID-DP to RAID-TEC. RAID-TEC is recommended if the size of the disks used in your local tier (aggregate) is greater than 4 TiB.
The local tier (aggregate) that is to be converted must have a minimum of seven disks.
Hard disk drive (HDD) local tiers can be converted from RAID-DP to RAID-TEC. This includes HDD tiers in Flash Pool local tiers.
To understand the implications of converting between RAID types, refer to the parameters for the
storage aggregate modify
Verify that the aggregate is online and has a minimum of six disks:
storage aggregate show-status -aggregate aggregate_name
Convert the aggregate from RAID-DP to RAID-TEC:
storage aggregate modify -aggregate aggregate_name -raidtype raid_tec
Verify that the aggregate RAID policy is RAID-TEC:
storage aggregate show aggregate_name