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Verify free space for deduplicated volumes before reverting ONTAP

Contributors netapp-aherbin

Before you revert an ONTAP cluster from any version of ONTAP 9, you must ensure that the volumes contain sufficient free space for the revert operation.

The volume must have enough space to accommodate the savings that were achieved through the inline detection of blocks of zeros. See the Knowledge Base article How to see space savings from deduplication, compression, and compaction in ONTAP 9.

If you have enabled both deduplication and data compression on a volume that you want to revert, then you must revert data compression before reverting deduplication.

  1. View the progress of the efficiency operations that are running on the volumes:

    volume efficiency show -fields vserver,volume,progress
  2. Stop all active and queued deduplication operations:

    volume efficiency stop -vserver <svm_name> -volume <volume_name> -all
  3. Set the privilege level to advanced:

    set -privilege advanced
  4. Downgrade the efficiency metadata of a volume to the target version of ONTAP:

    volume efficiency revert-to -vserver <svm_name> -volume <volume_name> -version <version>

    The following example reverts the efficiency metadata on volume VolA to ONTAP 9.x.

    volume efficiency revert-to -vserver vs1 -volume VolA -version 9.x
    Note The volume efficiency revert-to command reverts volumes that are present on the node on which this command is executed. This command does not revert volumes across nodes.
  5. Monitor the progress of the downgrade:

    volume efficiency show -vserver <svm_name> -op-status Downgrading
  6. If the revert does not succeed, display the instance to see why the revert failed.

    volume efficiency show -vserver <svm_name> -volume <volume_name> - instance
  7. After the revert operation is complete, return to the admin privilege level:

    set -privilege admin

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