How user and group quotas work with qtrees
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Tree quotas limit the overall size of the qtree. To prevent individual users or groups from consuming the entire qtree, you specify a user or group quota for that qtree.
Example user quota in a qtree
Suppose you have the following quota rules:
cluster1::> volume quota policy rule show -vserver vs0 -volume vol1 Vserver: vs0 Policy: default Volume: vol1 Soft Soft User Disk Disk Files Files Type Target Qtree Mapping Limit Limit Limit Limit Threshold ----- -------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------ ------- --------- user "" "" off 50MB - - - 45MB user jsmith "" off 80MB - - - 75MB
You notice that a certain user, kjones, is taking up too much space in a critical qtree, proj1, which resides in vol1. You can restrict this user's space by adding the following quota rule:
cluster1::> volume quota policy rule create -vserver vs0 -volume vol1 -policy-name default -type user -target "kjones" -qtree "proj1" -disk-limit 20m -threshold 15m cluster1::> volume quota policy rule show -vserver vs0 -volume vol1 Vserver: vs0 Policy: default Volume: vol1 Soft Soft User Disk Disk Files Files Type Target Qtree Mapping Limit Limit Limit Limit Threshold ----- -------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------ ------- --------- user "" "" off 50MB - - - 45MB user jsmith "" off 80MB - - - 75MB user kjones proj1 off 20MB - - - 15MB