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Add or remove IP addresses from a subnet in ONTAP

Contributors netapp-aoife netapp-aherbin netapp-thomi netapp-aaron-holt netapp-dbagwell netapp-barbe

You can add IP addresses when initially creating a subnet, or you can add IP addresses to a subnet that already exists. You can also remove IP addresses from an existing subnet. This enables you to allocate only the required IP addresses for SVMs.

The procedure you follow depends on the interface that you use—​System Manager or the CLI:

System Manager

Beginning with ONTAP 9.12.0, you can use System Manager to add or remove IP addresses to or from a subnet

  1. Select Network > Overview > Subnets.

  2. Select Menu options icon > Edit beside the subnet you want to change.

  3. Add or remove IP addresses.

  4. Save your changes.

    1. If the IP address or range entered is already used by an interface, the following message is displayed:
      An IP address in this range is already in use by a LIF. Associate the LIF with this subnet?

    2. When you click OK, the existing LIF will be associated with the subnet.


Use the CLI to add or remove IP addresses to or from a subnet

About this task

When adding IP addresses, you will receive an error if any service processor or network interfaces are using the IP addresses in the range being added. If you want to associate any manually addressed interfaces with the current subnet, you can set the -force-update-lif-associations option to true.

When removing IP addresses, you will receive an error if any service processor or network interfaces are using the IP addresses being removed. If you want the interfaces to continue to use the IP addresses after they are removed from the subnet, you can set the -force-update-lif-associations option to true.


Add or remove IP addresses from a subnet:

If you want to…​

Use this command…​

Add IP addresses to a subnet

network subnet add-ranges

Remove IP addresses from a subnet

network subnet remove-ranges

Learn more about the commands described in this procedure in the ONTAP command reference.

The following command adds IP addresses through to subnet sub1:

network subnet add-ranges -subnet-name <sub1> -ip-ranges <>

The following command removes IP address from subnet sub3:

network subnet remove-ranges -subnet-name <sub3> -ip-ranges <>

If the current range includes 1 through 10 and 20 through 40, and you want to add 11 through 19 and 41 through 50 (basically allowing 1 through 50), you can overlap the existing range of addresses by using the following command. This command adds only the new addresses and does not affect the existing addresses:

network subnet add-ranges -subnet-name <sub3> -ip-ranges <>