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Configure the lifetime of SMB metadata cache entries in ONTAP

Contributors netapp-aaron-holt netapp-ahibbard netapp-aherbin

You can configure the lifetime of SMB metadata cache entries to optimize the SMB metadata cache performance in your environment. The default is 10 seconds.

Before you begin

You must have enabled the SMB metadata cache feature. If SMB metadata caching is not enabled, the SMB cache TTL setting is not used.

  1. Perform the desired action:

    If you want to configure the lifetime of SMB metadata cache entries when you…​ Enter the command…​

    Create a share

    vserver cifs share -create -vserver vserver_name -share-name share_name -path path -attribute-cache-ttl [integerh][integerm][integers]

    Modify an existing share

    vserver cifs share -modify -vserver vserver_name -share-name share_name -attribute-cache-ttl [integerh][integerm][integers]

    You can specify additional share configuration options and properties when you create or modify shares. Learn more about vserver cifs share in the ONTAP command reference.