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Consistency group limits

Contributors netapp-ahibbard netapp-aherbin

When planning and managing your consistency groups, account for object limits at the scope of both the cluster and the parent or child consistency group.

Enforced limits

The following table captures limits for consistency groups. Separate limits apply for consistency groups using SnapMirror active sync. For more information, see SnapMirror active sync limits.





Number of consistency groups



Same as maximum volume count in cluster*

Number of parent consistency groups



Same as maximum volume count in cluster

Number of individual and parent consistency groups



Same as maximum volume count in cluster

Number of volumes in a consistency group

Single consistency group

1 volume

80 volumes

Number of volumes in a consistency group with SnapMirror asynchronous

Single consistency group

1 volume

  • In ONTAP 9.15.1 and later: 80 volumes

  • In ONTAP 9.13.1 and 9.14.1: 16 volumes

Number of volumes in the child of a parent consistency group

Parent consistency group

1 volume

80 volumes

Number of volumes in a child consistency group

Child consistency group

1 volume

80 volumes

Number of child consistency groups in a parent consistency group

Parent consistency group

1 consistency group

5 consistency groups

Number of SVM disaster recovery relationships where a consistency group exists (available beginning ONTAP 9.14.1)




* A maximum of 50 consistency groups enabled with SnapMirror asynchronous can be hosted on a cluster.

Unenforced limits

The minimum supported snapshot schedule for consistency groups is 30 minutes. This is based on testing for FlexGroup volumes, which share the same Snapshot infrastructure as consistency groups.