Manage security-group event
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When a security-group event is configured for a storage virtual machine (SVM) and an audit is enabled, audit events are generated.
The security-group events with event-ids 4731, 4732, 4733, 4734, and 4735 are generated when a local SMB or NFS group is created or deleted from the system, and local user is added or removed from the group. The security-group-events are generated when a user account is modified using vserver cifs users-and-groups <local-group>
and vserver services name-service <unix-group>
The following example displays a security group event with the ID 4731 generated, when a local UNIX security group is created:
netapp-clus1::*> vserver services name-service unix-group create -name testunixgroup -id 20 - System - Provider [ Name] NetApp-Security-Auditing [ Guid] {3CB2A168-FE19-4A4E-BDAD-DCF422F13473} EventID 4731 EventName Local Unix Security Group Created ... ... SubjectUserName admin SubjectUserSid 65533-1001 SubjectDomainName ~ SubjectIP console SubjectPort TargetUserName testunixgroup TargetDomainName TargetGid 20 TargetType NFS PrivilegeList ~ GidHistory ~