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Add or remove ports from a broadcast domain (ONTAP 9.7 and earlier)

Contributors netapp-aherbin netapp-barbe netapp-aaron-holt netapp-dbagwell netapp-ahibbard netapp-thomi

You can add network ports when initially creating a broadcast domain, or you can add ports to, or remove ports from, a broadcast domain that already exists. This allows you to efficiently use all the ports in the cluster.

If the ports that you want to add to the new broadcast domain are already in another broadcast domain, you must remove the ports from that broadcast domain before assigning them to the new broadcast domain.

Note This task is relevant for ONTAP 9.0 - 9.7, not ONTAP 9.8.
Before you begin
  • You must be a cluster administrator to perform this task.

  • Ports you plan to add to a broadcast domain must not belong to another broadcast domain.

  • Ports that already belong to an interface group cannot be added individually to a broadcast domain.

About this task

The following rules apply when adding and removing network ports:

When adding ports…​

When removing ports…​

The ports can be network ports, VLANs, or interface groups (ifgrps).


The ports are added to the system-defined failover group of the broadcast domain.

The ports are removed from all failover groups in the broadcast domain.

The MTU of the ports is updated to the MTU value set in the broadcast domain.

The MTU of the ports is unchanged.

The IPspace of the ports is updated to the IPspace value of the broadcast domain.

The ports are moved to the 'Default' IPspace with no broadcast domain attribute.

Note If you remove the last member port of an interface group using the network port ifgrp remove-port command, it causes the interface group port to be removed from the broadcast domain because an empty interface group port is not allowed in a broadcast domain.
  1. Display the ports that are currently assigned or unassigned to a broadcast domain by using the network port show command.

  2. Add or remove network ports from the broadcast domain:

    If you want to…​


    Add ports to a broadcast domain

    network port broadcast-domain add-ports

    Remove ports from a broadcast domain

    network port broadcast-domain remove-ports

  3. Verify that the ports were added or removed from the broadcast domain:

    network port show

Examples of adding and removing ports

The following command adds port e0g on node cluster-1-01 and port e0g on node cluster-1-02 to broadcast domain bcast1 in the Default IPspace:

cluster-1::> network port broadcast-domain add-ports -broadcast-domain bcast1 -ports cluster-1-01:e0g,cluster1-02:e0g

The following command adds two cluster ports to broadcast domain Cluster in the Cluster IPspace:

cluster-1::> network port broadcast-domain add-ports -broadcast-domain Cluster -ports cluster-2-03:e0f,cluster2-04:e0f -ipspace Cluster

The following command removes port e0e on node cluster1-01 from broadcast domain bcast1 in the Default IPspace:

cluster-1::> network port broadcast-domain remove-ports -broadcast-domain bcast1 -ports cluster-1-01:e0e

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