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Ways to display information about file security and audit policies

Contributors netapp-dbagwell netapp-barbe netapp-aherbin

You can use the wildcard character (*) to display information about file security and audit policies of all files and directories under a given path or a root volume.

The wildcard character (*) can be used as the last subcomponent of a given directory path below which you want to display information of all files and directories.

If you want to display information of a particular file or directory named as "*", then you need to provide the complete path inside double quotes (" ").


The following command with the wildcard character displays the information about all files and directories below the path /1/ of SVM vs1:

cluster::> vserver security file-directory show -vserver vs1 –path /1/*

                    Vserver: vs1
                  File Path: /1/1
             Security Style: mixed
            Effective Style: ntfs
             DOS Attributes: 10
     DOS Attributes in Text: ----D---
    Expanded Dos Attributes: -
               Unix User Id: 0
              Unix Group Id: 0
             Unix Mode Bits: 777
     Unix Mode Bits in Text: rwxrwxrwx
                       ACLs: NTFS Security Descriptor
                             DACL - ACEs
                             ALLOW-Everyone-0x1f01ff-OI|CI (Inherited)
                    Vserver: vs1
                  File Path: /1/1/abc
             Security Style: mixed
            Effective Style: ntfs
             DOS Attributes: 10
     DOS Attributes in Text: ----D---
    Expanded Dos Attributes: -
               Unix User Id: 0
              Unix Group Id: 0
             Unix Mode Bits: 777
     Unix Mode Bits in Text: rwxrwxrwx
                       ACLs: NTFS Security Descriptor
                             DACL - ACEs
                             ALLOW-Everyone-0x1f01ff-OI|CI (Inherited)

The following command displays the information of a file named as "*" under the path /vol1/a of SVM vs1. The path is enclosed within double quotes (" ").

cluster::> vserver security file-directory show -vserver vs1 -path "/vol1/a/*"

                 Vserver: vs1
               File Path: "/vol1/a/*"
          Security Style: mixed
         Effective Style: unix
          DOS Attributes: 10
  DOS Attributes in Text: ----D---
Expanded Dos Attributes: -
            Unix User Id: 1002
           Unix Group Id: 65533
          Unix Mode Bits: 755
  Unix Mode Bits in Text: rwxr-xr-x
                    ACLs: NFSV4 Security Descriptor
                          SACL - ACEs
                          DACL - ACEs