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Worksheet for gathering SMB configuration information

Contributors netapp-aherbin netapp-aaron-holt

The SMB configuration worksheet enables you to collect the required information to set up SMB access for clients.

You should complete one or both sections of the worksheet, depending on the decision you made about where to provision storage:

Learn more about the parameters in the ONTAP command reference.

Configuring SMB access to an SVM

Parameters for creating an SVM

You supply these values with the vserver create command if you are creating a new SVM. Learn more about vserver create in the ONTAP command reference.

Field Description Your value


A name you supply for the new SVM that is either a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or follows another convention that enforces unique SVM names across a cluster.


The name of an aggregate in the cluster with sufficient space for new SMB storage capacity.


A unique name you supply for the SVM root volume.


Use the NTFS security style for the SVM.



Use the default language setting in this workflow.



Optional: IPspaces are distinct IP address spaces in which SVMs reside.

Parameters for creating a LIF

You supply these values with the network interface create command when you are creating LIFs. Learn more about network interface create in the ONTAP command reference.

Field Description Your value


A name you supply for the new LIF.


Use the data LIF role in this workflow.



Use only the SMB protocol in this workflow.



The node to which the LIF returns when the network interface revert command is run on the LIF.


The port or interface group to which the LIF returns when the network interface revert command is run on the LIF.


The IPv4 or IPv6 address on the cluster that will be used for data access by the new LIF.


The network mask and gateway for the LIF.


A pool of IP addresses. Used instead of -address and -netmask to assign addresses and netmasks automatically.


Use the default data firewall policy in this workflow.



Optional: Specifies whether a data LIF is automatically reverted to its home node on startup or under other circumstances. The default setting is false.

Parameters for DNS host name resolution

You supply these values with the vserver services name-service dns create command when you are configuring DNS. Learn more about vserver services name-service dns create in the ONTAP command reference.

Field Description Your value


Up to five DNS domain names.


Up to three IP addresses for each DNS name server.

Setting up an SMB server in an Active Directory domain

Parameters for time service configuration

You supply these values with the cluster time-service ntp server create command when you are configuring time services. Learn more about cluster time-service ntp server create in the ONTAP command reference.

Field Description Your value


The host name or IP address of the NTP server for the Active Directory domain.

Parameters for creating an SMB server in an Active Directory domain

You supply these values with the vserver cifs create command when you create a new SMB server and specify domain information. Learn more about vserver cifs create in the ONTAP command reference.

Field Description Your value


The name of the SVM on which to create the SMB server.


The name of the SMB server (up to 15 characters).


The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Active Directory domain to associate with the SMB server.


Optional: The organizational unit within the Active Directory domain to associate with the SMB server. By default, this parameter is set to CN=Computers.


Optional: A list of NetBIOS aliases, which are alternate names to the SMB server name.


Optional: A text comment for the server. Windows clients can see this SMB server description when browsing servers on the network.

Setting up an SMB server in a workgroup

Parameters for creating an SMB server in a workgroup

You supply these values with the vserver cifs create command when you create a new SMB server and specify supported SMB versions. Learn more about vserver cifs create in the ONTAP command reference.

Field Description Your value


The name of the SVM on which to create the SMB server.


The name of the SMB server (up to 15 characters).


The name of the workgroup (up to 15 characters).


Optional: A text comment for the server. Windows clients can see this SMB server description when browsing servers on the network.

Parameters for creating local users

You supply these values when you create local users by using the vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user create command. They are required for SMB servers in workgroups and optional in AD domains. Learn more about vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user create in the ONTAP command reference.

Field Description Your value


The name of the SVM on which to create the local user.


The name of the local user (up to 20 characters).


Optional: The user's full name. If the full name contains a space, enclose the full name within double quotation marks.


Optional: A description for the local user. If the description contains a space, enclose the parameter in quotation marks.


Optional: Specifies whether the user account is enabled or disabled. If this parameter is not specified, the default is to enable the user account.

Parameters for creating local groups

You supply these values when you create local groups by using the vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group create command. They are optional for SMB servers in AD domains and workgroups. Learn more about vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group create in the ONTAP command reference.

Field Description Your value


The name of the SVM on which to create the local group.


The name of the local group (up to 256 characters).


Optional: A description for the local group. If the description contains a space, enclose the parameter in quotation marks.

Adding storage capacity to an SMB-enabled SVM

Parameters for creating a volume

You supply these values with the volume create command if you are creating a volume instead of a qtree. Learn more about volume create in the ONTAP command reference.

Field Description Your value


The name of a new or existing SVM that will host the new volume.


A unique descriptive name you supply for the new volume.


The name of an aggregate in the cluster with sufficient space for the new SMB volume.


An integer you supply for the size of the new volume.


Use the NTFS security style for this workflow.



Location under root (/) where the new volume is to be mounted.

Parameters for creating a qtree

You supply these values with the volume qtree create command if you are creating a qtree instead of a volume. Learn more about volume qtree create in the ONTAP command reference.

Field Description Your value


The name of the SVM on which the volume containing the qtree resides.


The name of the volume that will contain the new qtree.


A unique descriptive name you supply for the new qtree, 64 characters or less.


The qtree path argument in the format /vol/volume_name/qtree_name\> can be specified instead of specifying volume and qtree as separate arguments.

Parameters for creating SMB shares

You supply these values with the vserver cifs share create command. Learn more about vserver cifs share create in the ONTAP command reference.

Field Description Your value


The name of the SVM on which to create the SMB share.


The name of the SMB share that you want to create (up to 256 characters).


The name of the path to the SMB share (up to 256 characters). This path must exist in a volume before creating the share.


Optional: A list of share properties. The default settings are oplocks, browsable, changenotify, and show-previous-versions.


Optional: A text comment for the server (up to 256 characters). Windows clients can see this SMB share description when browsing on the network.

Parameters for creating SMB share access control lists (ACLs)

You supply these values with the vserver cifs share access-control create command. Learn more about vserver cifs share access-control create in the ONTAP command reference.

Field Description Your value


The name of the SVM on which to create the SMB ACL.


The name of the SMB share on which to create.


The type of the user or group to add to the share's ACL. The default type is windows



The user or group to add to the share's ACL. If you specify the user name, you must include the user's domain using the “domain\username” format.


Specifies the permissions for the user or group.

[ No_access | Read | Change | Full_Control ]