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Remove ownership from a disk in ONTAP

Contributors netapp-thomi netapp-aherbin netapp-dbagwell netapp-lenida

ONTAP writes disk ownership information to the disk. Before you remove a spare disk or its shelf from a node, you should remove its ownership information so that it can be properly integrated into another node.

Note If the disk is partitioned for root-data partitioning and you are running ONTAP 9.10.1 or later, contact NetApp Technical Support for assistance in removing ownership. For more information see the Knowledge Base article: Failed to remove the owner of disk.
Before you begin

The disk you want to remove ownership from must meet the following requirements:

  • It must be a spare disk.

    You cannot remove ownership from a disk that is being used in an local tier.

  • It cannot be in the maintenance center.

  • It cannot be undergoing sanitization.

  • It cannot have failed.

    It is not necessary to remove ownership from a failed disk.

About this task

If you have automatic disk assignment enabled, ONTAP could automatically reassign ownership before you remove the disk from the node. For this reason, you disable the automatic ownership assignment until the disk is removed, and then you re-enable it.

  1. If disk ownership automatic assignment is on, use the CLI to turn it off:

    storage disk option modify -node node_name -autoassign off

  2. If needed, repeat the previous step for the node's HA partner.

  3. Remove the software ownership information from the disk:

    storage disk removeowner disk_name

    To remove ownership information from multiple disks, use a comma-separated list.


    storage disk removeowner sys1:0a.23,sys1:0a.24,sys1:0a.25
  4. If the disk is partitioned for root-data partitioning and you are running ONTAP 9.9.1 or earlier, remove ownership from the partitions:

    storage disk removeowner -disk disk_name -root true

    storage disk removeowner -disk disk_name -data true

    Both partitions are no longer owned by any node.

  5. If you previously turned off automatic assignment of disk ownership, turn it on after the disk has been removed or reassigned:

    storage disk option modify -node node_name -autoassign on

  6. If needed, repeat the previous step for the node's HA partner.