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Delete a volume replication relationship with ONTAP

Contributors netapp-aaron-holt netapp-lenida netapp-dbagwell netapp-thomi netapp-aherbin

You can use the snapmirror delete and snapmirror release commands to delete a volume replication relationship. You can then delete unneeded destination volumes manually.

About this task

The snapmirror release command deletes any SnapMirror-created snapshots from the source. You can use the -relationship-info-only option to preserve the snapshots.

  1. Quiesce the replication relationship:

    snapmirror quiesce -destination-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>

    cluster_dst::> snapmirror quiesce -destination-path svm_backup:volA_dst

    Learn more about snapmirror quiesce in the ONTAP command reference.

  2. (Optional) Break the replication relationship if you require the destination volume to be a read/write volume. You can skip this step if you plan to delete the destination volume or if you don't need the volume to be read/write:

    snapmirror break -source-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​ -destination-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​

    cluster_dst::> snapmirror break -source-path svm1:volA -destination-path svm_backup:volA_dst

    Learn more about snapmirror break in the ONTAP command reference.

  3. Delete the replication relationship:

    snapmirror delete -source-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​ -destination-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​


    You must run this command from the destination cluster or destination SVM.

    The following example deletes the relationship between the source volume volA on svm1 and the destination volume volA_dst on svm_backup:

    cluster_dst::> snapmirror delete -source-path svm1:volA -destination-path svm_backup:volA_dst

    Learn more about snapmirror delete in the ONTAP command reference.

  4. Release replication relationship information from the source SVM:

    snapmirror release -source-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​ -destination-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​


    You must run this command from the source cluster or source SVM.

    The following example releases information for the specified replication relationship from the source SVM svm1:

    cluster_src::> snapmirror release -source-path svm1:volA -destination-path svm_backup:volA_dst

    Learn more about snapmirror release in the ONTAP command reference.