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Delete a volume replication relationship with ONTAP

Contributors netapp-aaron-holt netapp-lenida netapp-dbagwell netapp-thomi netapp-aherbin

You can use the snapmirror delete and snapmirror release commands to delete a volume replication relationship. You can then delete unneeded destination volumes manually.

About this task

The snapmirror release command deletes any SnapMirror-created snapshots from the source. You can use the -relationship-info-only option to preserve the snapshots.

  1. Quiesce the replication relationship:

    snapmirror quiesce -destination-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>

    cluster_dst::> snapmirror quiesce -destination-path svm_backup:volA_dst
  2. (Optional) Break the replication relationship if you require the destination volume to be a read/write volume. You can skip this step if you plan to delete the destination volume or if you don't need the volume to be read/write:

    snapmirror break -source-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​ -destination-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​

    cluster_dst::> snapmirror break -source-path svm1:volA -destination-path svm_backup:volA_dst
  3. Delete the replication relationship:

    snapmirror delete -source-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​ -destination-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​

    Learn more about snapmirror delete in the ONTAP command reference.


    You must run this command from the destination cluster or destination SVM.

    The following example deletes the relationship between the source volume volA on svm1 and the destination volume volA_dst on svm_backup:

    cluster_dst::> snapmirror delete -source-path svm1:volA -destination-path svm_backup:volA_dst
  4. Release replication relationship information from the source SVM:

    snapmirror release -source-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​ -destination-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​

    Learn more about snapmirror release in the ONTAP command reference.


    You must run this command from the source cluster or source SVM.

    The following example releases information for the specified replication relationship from the source SVM svm1:

    cluster_src::> snapmirror release -source-path svm1:volA -destination-path svm_backup:volA_dst