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network interface service-policy create

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Create a new service policy

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


The network interface service-policy create command creates a new service policy with a list of included services. LIFs can reference this policy to control the list of services that they are able to transport on their network. Services can represent applications accessed by a LIF as well as applications served by this cluster.


-vserver <vserver name> - Vserver

Use this parameter to specify the name of the Vserver on which the service policy will be created.

-policy <text> - Policy Name

Use this parameter to specify the name of service policy to be created.

[-services <LIF Service Name>,…​] - Included Services

Use this parameter to specify a list of services that should be included in this policy.

[-allowed-addresses <IP Address/Mask>,…​] - Allowed Addresses

Use this parameter to specify a list of subnet masks for addresses that are allowed to access the services in this policy. Use the value to represent the wildcard IPv4 address and ::/0 to represent the wildcard IPv6 address.


The following example shows the creation of a service policy with no initial services.

cluster1::> network interface service-policy create -vserver cluster1 -policy empty

cluster1::> network interface service-policy show
Vserver   Policy                 Service: Allowed Addresses
--------- ---------------------- ------------------------------------------
          empty                  -
net-intercluster       intercluster-core:

2 entries were displayed.

The following example shows the creation of a new service policy with a specified service list.

cluster1::> network interface service-policy create -vserver cluster1 -policy metrocluster -services repl-mcc-nvlog,repl-mcc-storage

cluster1::> network interface service-policy show
Vserver   Policy                 Service: Allowed Addresses
--------- ---------------------- ------------------------------------------
          empty                  -
metrocluster           repl-mcc-nvlog:
net-intercluster       intercluster-core:

3 entries were displayed.