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volume flexcache origin cleanup-cache-relationship

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Cleanup the cache relationship

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the advanced privilege level.


The volume flexcache origin cleanup-cache-relationship command is used to cleanup the cache relationship on the origin of a FlexCache cluster.

Note This command only needs to be run if volume flexcache delete fails on the FlexCache cluster and prompts you to run this command.


-origin-vserver <vserver name> - Origin Vserver (privilege: advanced)

This specifies the name of the Vserver hosting the origin of a FlexCache volume.

-origin-volume <volume name> - Origin Volume (privilege: advanced)

This specifies the name of the origin of a FlexCache volume.

-cache-vserver <vserver name> - Cache Vserver (privilege: advanced)

This specifies the name of the Vserver hosting the FlexCache volume.

-cache-volume <volume name> - Cache Volume (privilege: advanced)

This specifies the name of the FlexCache volume.

[-force-retry <true>] - Force Origin Cleanup Retry (privilege: advanced)

This specifies whether the origin cleanup operation can be retried if it has previously failed. The default setting is false .

Note When the last FlexCache relationship is deleted, the origin cleanup operation needs to remove metadata from the filesystem. This can take a long time, and it's possible the operation will take too long and fail. In that case, the operation can be retried by running the cleanup command again and setting froce-retry to true.


The following example cleans up the FlexCache relationship for the specified FlexCache and origin of a FlexCache volume:

cluster1::> flexcache origin cleanup-cache-relationship -origin-volume origin1 -origin-vserver vs34 -cache-vserver vs56 -cache-volume fc1
  (volume flexcache origin cleanup-cache-relationship)

Warning: The cache configuration will be deleted for Origin-Vserver: vs34,
         Origin-Volume: origin1, Cache-Vserver: vs56, Cache-Volume:
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