Determine the ILM policy for migrated data
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The StorageGRID system's ILM policy determines how many copies are made, the locations to which copies are stored, and for how long these copies are retained. An ILM policy consists of a set of ILM rules that describe how to filter objects and manage object data over time.
Depending on how migrated data is used and your requirements for migrated data, you might want to define unique ILM rules for migrated data that are different from the ILM rules used for day-to-day operations. For example, if there are different regulatory requirements for day-to-day data management than there are for the data that is included in the migration, you might want a different number of copies of the migrated data on a different grade of storage.
You can configure rules that apply exclusively to migrated data if it is possible to uniquely distinguish between migrated data and object data saved from day-to-day operations.
If you can reliably distinguish between the types of data using one of the metadata criteria, you can use this criteria to define an ILM rule that applies only to migrated data.
Before beginning data migration, ensure that you understand the StorageGRID system's ILM policy and how it will apply to migrated data, and that you have made and tested any changes to the ILM policy. See Manage objects with ILM.
An ILM policy that has been incorrectly specified can cause unrecoverable data loss. Carefully review all changes you make to an ILM policy before activating it to make sure the policy will work as intended. |