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Install and maintain appliance hardware
SG100 and SG1000 services appliances
Install and upgrade software
Perform system administration
Monitor and maintain StorageGRID
Recover and maintain
Grid node recovery procedures

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When a Swift client issues a GET transaction, a request is made to retrieve an object, list the objects in a container, or list the containers in an account. This message is issued by the server if the transaction is successful.
Code | Field | Description |
Content Block Identifier |
The unique identifier of the content block requested. If the CBID is unknown, this field is set to 0. Operations on accounts and containers do not include this field. |
Content Size |
The size of the retrieved object in bytes. Operations on accounts and containers do not include this field. |
HTTP Request Header |
List of logged HTTP request header names and values as selected during configuration. Note: |
Result Code |
Result of the GET transaction. Result is always SUCS: successful |
IP address of requesting client |
The IP address of the client application that made the request. |
Time |
Total processing time for the request in microseconds. |
Trusted Load Balancer IP Address |
If the request was routed by a trusted Layer 7 load balancer, the IP address of the load balancer. |
Universally Unique Identifier |
The identifier of the object within the StorageGRID system. |
Swift Account ID |
The unique account ID as specified by the StorageGRID system. |
Swift Container |
The Swift container name. Operations on accounts do not include this field. |
Swift Object |
The Swift object identifier. Operations on accounts and containers do not include this field. |
Swift Account User |
The Swift account username that uniquely identifies the client performing the transaction. |