Remove a key management server (KMS)
You might want to remove a key management server in some cases. For example, you might want to remove a site-specific KMS if you have decommissioned the site.
You have reviewed the considerations and requirements for using a key management server.
You are signed in to the Grid Manager using a supported web browser.
You have the Root access permission.
You can remove a KMS in these cases:
You can remove a site-specific KMS if the site has been decommissioned or if the site includes no appliance nodes with node encryption enabled.
You can remove the default KMS if a site-specific KMS already exists for each site that has appliance nodes with node encryption enabled.
Select CONFIGURATION > Security > Key management server.
The Key Management Server page appears and shows all key management servers that have been configured.
Select the radio button for the KMS you want to remove, and select Remove.
Review the considerations in the warning dialog.
Select OK.
The KMS configuration is removed.