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Set IP addresses for storage controllers using StorageGRID Appliance Installer

Contributors netapp-pcelmer netapp-perveilerk netapp-lhalbert

Management port 1 on each storage controller connects the appliance to the management network for SANtricity System Manager. If you cannot access the SANtricity System Manager from the StorageGRID Appliance Installer, you must set a static IP address for each storage controller to ensure that you do not lose your management connection to the hardware and the controller firmware in the controller shelf.

What you'll need
  • You are using any management client that can connect to the StorageGRID Admin Network, or you have a service laptop.

  • The client or service laptop has a supported web browser.

About this task

DHCP-assigned addresses can change at any time. Assign static IP addresses to the controllers to ensure consistent accessibility.

Note Follow this procedure only if you do not have access to SANtricity System Manager from the StorageGRID Appliance Installer (Advanced > SANtricity System Manager) or Grid Manager (NODES > SANtricity System Manager).
  1. From the client, enter the URL for the StorageGRID Appliance Installer:

    For Appliance_Controller_IP, use the IP address for the appliance on any StorageGRID network.

    The StorageGRID Appliance Installer Home page appears.

  2. Select Configure Hardware > Storage Controller Network Configuration.

    The Storage Controller Network Configuration page appears.

  3. Depending on your network configuration, select Enabled for IPv4, IPv6, or both.

  4. Make a note of the IPv4 address that is automatically displayed.

    DHCP is the default method for assigning an IP address to the storage controller management port.

    Note It might take a few minutes for the DHCP values to appear.
    Storage Controller Network Config IPv4
  5. Optionally, set a static IP address for the storage controller management port.

    Note You should either assign a static IP for the management port or assign a permanent lease for the address on the DHCP server.
    1. Select Static.

    2. Enter the IPv4 address, using CIDR notation.

    3. Enter the default gateway.

      Storage Controller Network Config IPv4 and Default Gateway
    4. Click Save.

      It might take a few minutes for your changes to be applied.

      When you connect to SANtricity System Manager, you will use the new static IP address as the URL: