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Automate installation and configuration of appliance nodes using script

Contributors netapp-perveilerk

You can use the script to automate many of the installation and configuration tasks for StorageGRID appliance nodes, including installing and configuring a primary Admin Node. This script can be useful if you have a large number of appliances to configure. You can also use the script to generate a JSON file that contains appliance configuration information.

What you'll need
  • The appliance has been installed in a rack, connected to your networks, and powered on.

  • Network links and IP addresses have been configured for the primary Admin Node using the StorageGRID Appliance Installer.

  • If you are installing the primary Admin Node, you know its IP address.

  • If you are installing and configuring other nodes, the primary Admin Node has been deployed, and you know its IP address.

  • For all nodes other than the primary Admin Node, all Grid Network subnets listed on the IP Configuration page of the StorageGRID Appliance Installer have been defined in the Grid Network Subnet List on the primary Admin Node.

  • You have downloaded the file. The file is included in the installation archive, or you can access it by clicking Help > Appliance Installation Script in the StorageGRID Appliance Installer.

    Note This procedure is for advanced users with some experience using command-line interfaces. Alternatively, you can also use the StorageGRID Appliance Installer to automate the configuration.
    Automate appliance configuration using StorageGRID Appliance Installer
  1. Log in to the Linux machine you are using to run the Python script.

  2. For general help with the script syntax and to see a list of the available parameters, enter the following: --help

    The script uses five subcommands:

    • advanced for advanced StorageGRID appliance interactions, including BMC configuration and creating a JSON file containing the current configuration of the appliance

    • configure for configuring the RAID mode, node name, and networking parameters

    • install for starting a StorageGRID installation

    • monitor for monitoring a StorageGRID installation

    • reboot for rebooting the appliance

    If you enter a subcommand (advanced, configure, install, monitor, or reboot) argument followed by the --help option you will get a different help text providing more detail on the options available within that subcommand: subcommand --help

  3. To confirm the current configuration of the appliance node, enter the following where SGA-install-ip is any one of the IP addresses for the appliance node: configure SGA-INSTALL-IP

    The results show current IP information for the appliance, including the IP address of the primary Admin Node and information about the Admin, Grid, and Client Networks.

    Connecting to + (Checking version and connectivity.)
    2021/02/25 16:25:11: Performing GET on /api/versions... Received 200
    2021/02/25 16:25:11: Performing GET on /api/v2/system-info... Received 200
    2021/02/25 16:25:11: Performing GET on /api/v2/admin-connection... Received 200
    2021/02/25 16:25:11: Performing GET on /api/v2/link-config... Received 200
    2021/02/25 16:25:11: Performing GET on /api/v2/networks... Received 200
    2021/02/25 16:25:11: Performing GET on /api/v2/system-config... Received 200
      StorageGRID Appliance
        Name:        LAB-SGA-2-30
        Node type:   storage
      StorageGRID primary Admin Node
        State:     unknown
        Message:   Initializing...
        Version:   Unknown
      Network Link Configuration
        Link Status
              Link      State      Speed (Gbps)
              ----      -----      -----
              1         Up         10
              2         Up         10
              3         Up         10
              4         Up         10
              5         Up         1
              6         Down       N/A
        Link Settings
            Port bond mode:      FIXED
            Link speed:          10GBE
            Grid Network:        ENABLED
                Bonding mode:    active-backup
                VLAN:            novlan
                MAC Addresses:   00:a0:98:59:8e:8a  00:a0:98:59:8e:82
            Admin Network:       ENABLED
                Bonding mode:    no-bond
                MAC Addresses:   00:80:e5:29:70:f4
            Client Network:      ENABLED
                Bonding mode:    active-backup
                VLAN:            novlan
                MAC Addresses:   00:a0:98:59:8e:89  00:a0:98:59:8e:81
      Grid Network
        CIDR: (Static)
        MAC:       00:A0:98:59:8E:8A
        MTU:       1500
      Admin Network
        CIDR: (Static)
        MAC:       00:80:E5:29:70:F4
        MTU:       1500
      Client Network
        CIDR: (Static)
        MAC:       00:A0:98:59:8E:89
        MTU:       2000
    #####   If you are satisfied with this configuration,    #####
    ##### execute the script with the "install" sub-command. #####
  4. If you need to change any of the values in the current configuration, use the configure subcommand to update them. For example, if you want to change the IP address that the appliance uses for connection to the primary Admin Node to, enter the following: configure --admin-ip SGA-INSTALL-IP

  5. If you want to back up the appliance configuration to a JSON file, use the advanced and backup-file subcommands. For example, if you want to back up the configuration of an appliance with IP address SGA-INSTALL-IP to a file named appliance-SG1000.json, enter the following: advanced --backup-file appliance-SG1000.json SGA-INSTALL-IP

    The JSON file containing the configuration information is written to the same directory you executed the script from.

    Important Check that the top-level node name in the generated JSON file matches the appliance name. Do not make any changes to this file unless you are an experienced user and have a thorough understanding of StorageGRID APIs.
  6. When you are satisfied with the appliance configuration, use the install and monitor subcommands to install the appliance: install --monitor SGA-INSTALL-IP

  7. If you want to reboot the appliance, enter the following: reboot SGA-INSTALL-IP