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Change link configuration of E5600SG controller

Contributors netapp-perveilerk netapp-lhalbert

You can change the Ethernet link configuration of the E5600SG controller. You can change the port bond mode, the network bond mode, and the link speed.

Note In rare instances, placing a StorageGRID appliance into maintenance mode might make the appliance unavailable for remote access.
About this task

Options for changing the Ethernet link configuration of the E5600SG controller include:

  • Changing Port bond mode from Fixed to Aggregate, or from Aggregate to Fixed

  • Changing Network bond mode from Active-Backup to LACP, or from LACP to Active-Backup

  • Enabling or disabling VLAN tagging, or changing the value of a VLAN tag

  • Changing the link speed from 10-GbE to 25-GbE, or from 25-GbE to 10-GbE

  1. Select Configure Networking > Link Configuration from the menu.

    Link Configuration
  2. Make the desired changes to the link configuration.

    For more information on the options, see “Configuring network links.”

  3. When you are satisfied with your selections, click Save.

    Note You might lose your connection if you made changes to the network or link you are connected through. If you are not reconnected within 1 minute, re-enter the URL for the StorageGRID Appliance Installer using one of the other IP addresses assigned to the appliance:

    If you made changes to the VLAN settings, the subnet for the appliance might have changed. If you need to change the IP addresses for the appliance, follow the set IP configuration instructions.

  4. From the StorageGRID Appliance Installer, select Configure Networking > Ping Test.

  5. Use the Ping Test tool to check connectivity to IP addresses on any networks that may have been affected by the link configuration changes you made in the Change link configuration step.

    In addition to any other tests you choose to perform, confirm that you can ping the grid IP address of the primary Admin Node, and the grid IP address of at least one other Storage Node. If necessary, correct any link configuration issues.

  6. Once you are satisfied that your link configuration changes are working, reboot the node. From the StorageGRID Appliance Installer, select Advanced > Reboot Controller, and then select one of these options:

    • Select Reboot into StorageGRID to reboot the controller with the node rejoining the grid. Select this option if you are done working in maintenance mode and are ready to return the node to normal operation.

    • Select Reboot into Maintenance Mode to reboot the controller with the node remaining in maintenance mode. (This option is available only when the controller is in maintenance mode.) Select this option if there are additional maintenance operations you need to perform on the node before rejoining the grid.

      Reboot controller in maintenance mode

      It can take up to 20 minutes for the appliance to reboot and rejoin the grid. To confirm that the reboot is complete and that the node has rejoined the grid, go back to the Grid Manager. The NODES page should display a normal status (no icon) for the appliance node, indicating that no alerts are active and the node is connected to the grid.

      Appliance node rejoined grid
Related information

Configure network links (SG5600)