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Installation and deployment overview

Contributors netapp-perveilerk netapp-lhalbert netapp-madkat

You can install one or more StorageGRID services appliances when you first deploy StorageGRID, or you can add services appliance nodes later as part of an expansion.

What you'll need

Your StorageGRID system is using the required version of StorageGRID software.

Appliance Required StorageGRID version


11.4 or later (latest hotfix recommended)


11.3 or later (latest hotfix recommended)

Installation and deployment tasks

Preparing and adding a StorageGRID appliance to the grid includes four primary steps:

  1. Preparing for installation:

    • Preparing the installation site

    • Unpacking the boxes and checking the contents

    • Obtaining additional equipment and tools

    • Verifying network configuration

    • Optional: Configuring an external key management server (KMS) if you plan to encrypt all appliance data. See details about external key management in the instructions for administering StorageGRID.

  2. Installing the hardware:

    • Registering the hardware

    • Installing the appliance into a cabinet or rack

    • Cabling the appliance

    • Connecting the power cord and applying power

    • Viewing boot-up status codes

  3. Configuring the hardware:

    • Accessing StorageGRID Appliance Installer and configuring the link and network IP settings required to connect to StorageGRID networks

    • Accessing the baseboard management controller (BMC) interface on the appliance.

    • Optional: Enabling node encryption if you plan to use an external KMS to encrypt appliance data.

  4. Deploying an appliance Gateway or Admin Node

    After the appliance hardware has been installed and configured, you can deploy the appliance as a Gateway Node and an Admin Node in a StorageGRID system. Both the SG100 and the SG1000 appliances can operate as Gateway Nodes and Admin Nodes (primary and non-primary) at the same time.

    Task Instructions

    Deploying an appliance Gateway or Admin Node in a new StorageGRID system

    Adding an appliance Gateway or Admin Node to an existing StorageGRID system

    Deploying an appliance Gateway or Admin Node as part of a node recovery operation

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