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Create a load balancer endpoint for FabricPool

Contributors netapp-madkat netapp-perveilerk

When configuring StorageGRID for use with FabricPool, you must configure a load balancer endpoint and upload the load balancer endpoint certificate, which is used to secure the connection between ONTAP and StorageGRID.

What you'll need
  • You are signed in to the Grid Manager using a supported web browser.

  • You have the Root access permission.

  • You have the following files:

    • Server Certificate: The custom server certificate file.

    • Server Certificate Private Key: The custom server certificate private key file.

    • CA Bundle: A single optional file containing the certificates from each intermediate issuing certificate authority (CA). The file should contain each of the PEM-encoded CA certificate files, concatenated in certificate chain order.

About this task

For details about this task, see Configure load balancer endpoints.

  1. Select CONFIGURATION > Network > Load balancer endpoints.

  2. Select Create.

    Create LB Endpoint
  3. Enter endpoint details.

    Field Description


    A descriptive name for the endpoint


    The StorageGRID port you want to use for load balancing. This field defaults to 10433, but you can enter any unused external port. If you enter 80 or 443, the endpoint is configured only on Gateway Nodes, since these ports are reserved on Admin Nodes.

    Note: Ports used by other grid services are not permitted. See the Network port reference.

    You must provide this same port number to ONTAP when you attach StorageGRID as a FabricPool cloud tier.

    Client type

    Select S3.

    Network protocol

    Select HTTPS.

    Note: Using HTTP is supported but not recommended.

  4. Select Continue.

  5. Specify the binding mode.

    Use the Global setting (recommended) or restrict the accessibility of this endpoint to one of the following:

    • Specific network interfaces of specific nodes.

    • Specific high availability (HA) virtual IP addresses (VIPs). Use this selection only if you require much higher levels of isolation of workloads.

  6. Select Continue.

  7. Select Upload Certificate (recommended) and then browse to your server certificate, certificate private key, and optional CA bundle.

  8. Select Create.

Note Changes to an endpoint certificate can take up to 15 minutes to be applied to all nodes.