A newer release of this product is available.
flexcache.cacheconnected events
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a FlexCache® origin volume establishes communication with its cache volume.
- Corrective Action
No action required.
- Syslog Message
FlexCache origin volume with Name %s MSID %lu on Vserver Name %s UUID %s is connected with FlexCache volume with Vserver UUID %s and MSID %lu.
- Parameters
originVolumeName (STRING): Origin Volume name.
originMsid (LONGINT): Master data set identifier (MSID) of the origin volume.
originVserverName (STRING): Vserver name of the origin volume.
originVserverUuid (STRING): Vserver UUID of the origin volume.
cacheVserverUuid (STRING): Vserver UUID of the FlexCache volume.
cacheMsid (LONGINT): MSID of the FlexCache volume.