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lun.inconsistent events

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This message occurs when the block containing a LUN or NVMe namespace's attributes is found to be inconsistent.

Corrective Action

Recover the LUN or NVMe namespace from a good backup. If the unrecoverable RAID is in a Snapshot(tm) copy, delete the Snapshot copy. Contact NetApp technical support for more options.

Syslog Message

RAID error was received for the attributes of the object at path %s (fileid:%u) in volume %s (DSID %llu).


lun_path (STRING): Path for the LUN or NVMe namespace.
file_id (INT): Identifying number for the suspect inode.
volume_name (STRING): Name of the containing volume.
volume_dsid (LONGINT): Data Set ID (DSID) of the containing volume.





This message occurs when a LUN or NVMe namespace is found whose on-disk structure is inconsistent in the WAFL® file system. Such a LUN or NVMe namespace is not accessible for I/O or management operations.

Corrective Action

Run wafliron on the containing aggregate, and then recover the LUN from a backup. Contact NetApp technical support for more options.

Syslog Message

The on-disk structure of the object at path %s in volume %s (DSID %llu) is inconsistent in the WAFL file system.


lun_path (STRING): Path for the LUN or NVMe namespace.
volume_name (STRING): Name of the containing volume.
volume_dsid (LONGINT): Data set ID (DSID) of the containing volume.