ems.asup events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the e-mail addresses for deprecated AutoSupport "noteto" messages are copied to EMS event notification destinations during an upgrade to Data ONTAP® 9.0 or later. This results in duplicate event notifications: one EMS notification and one AutoSupport short note message. Use the "event notification destination {show|modify}" command to view or modify deprecated "noteto" e-mail addresses to use new e-mail destinations. This copy action also creates an event notification that maps the "important-events" filter to all of the newly created destinations. Use the "event notification {show|modify}" command to view or modify the new event notification, as necessary. All events that match the "important-events" filter send notifications to the new destinations, including the AutoSupport triggers with "noteto" enabled.
- Corrective Action
To remove event message duplication, remove the AutoSupport "noteto" addresses by entering the "system node autosupport modify -node * -noteto -" command.
- Syslog Message
AutoSupport -noteto e-mail addresses have been copied and transitioned to EMS event notification destinations.
- Parameters