scsitarget.slifct events

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- Deprecated
Deprecated as of ONTAP® version 9.2.0 in an effort reduce event messages.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the Fibre Channel target device driver encounters an unrecognized asynchronous event notification from the firmware, possibly as a result of a firmware update. The unrecognized event is ignored by the system.
- Corrective Action
No administrative action is required. If the messages persist, contact NetApp technical support with the event details for assistance.
- Syslog Message
FC port %s encountered an unexpected event of x%x, type of x%x, with additional status of x%x, x%x, x%x.
- Parameters
hba (STRING): Name of the port where the event occurred.
async_event_code (INTHEX): Asynchronous event code that was unrecognized by the target driver.
async_event_type (INTHEX): Asynchronous event type that was unrecognized by the target driver.
async_event_word1 (INTHEX): Asynchronous event word_1 that was unrecognized by the target driver.
async_event_word2 (INTHEX): Asynchronous event word_2 that was unrecognized by the target driver.
async_event_word3 (INTHEX): Asynchronous event word_3 that was unrecognized by the target driver.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the SLIFCT driver successfully updates the firmware version of the host bus adapter (HBA). The controller will be rebooted automatically to complete the process.
- Corrective Action
None; the controller will be rebooted automatically to enable the new HBA firmware.
- Syslog Message
FC target HBA %s firmware version updated from %s to %s. The controller will be rebooted automatically to enable the new HBA firmware.
- Parameters
hba (STRING): HBA where the firmware version update occurred.
currentversion (STRING): Firmware version the HBA was running.
bundleversion (STRING): Firmware version bundled with Data ONTAP®.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the SLIFCT driver successfully updates the firmware version of the host bus adapter (HBA), and requires a reboot of the controller to complete the process.
- Corrective Action
Reboot the controller to enable the new HBA firmware.
- Syslog Message
FC target HBA %s firmware version updated from %s to %s. Reboot the controller to enable the new HBA firmware.
- Parameters
hba (STRING): HBA where the firmware version update occurred.
currentversion (STRING): Firmware version the HBA was running.
bundleversion (STRING): Firmware version bundled with Data ONTAP®.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the SLIFCT driver successfully updates the firmware version of the host bus adapter (HBA).
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
FC target HBA %s firmware version updated from %s to %s.
- Parameters
hba (STRING): HBA where the firmware version update occurred.
currentversion (STRING): Firmware version the HBA was running.
bundleversion (STRING): Firmware version bundled with Data ONTAP®.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the SLIFCT driver encounters an error while updating the firmware version of the host bus adapter (HBA).
- Corrective Action
Contact technical support for further analysis.
- Syslog Message
FC target HBA %s failed to update the firmware version from %s to %s with the status of %d.
- Parameters
hba (STRING): HBA where the firmware version update failure occurred.
currentversion (STRING): Firmware version the HBA is running.
bundleversion (STRING): Firmware version bundled with Data ONTAP®.
status (INT): Status code of the firmware update process.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the SLIFCT driver receives a link break notification.
- Corrective Action
If the link break was unexpected, check the cables and switch connection.
- Syslog Message
Link break detected on Fibre Channel target HBA %s with event status %d , topology type %d, status1 0x%x, status2 0x%x.
- Parameters
hba (STRING): Name of the target HBA (Host bus adapter) that lost link.
status (INTHEX): Reported event's status.
topology (INTHEX): Code for identifying the topology.
status1 (INTHEX): Value of the SLIPORT_ERROR1 register.
status2 (INTHEX): Value of the SLIPORT_ERROR2 register.
- Deprecated
Deprecated as of ONTAP® version 9.2.0 in an effort to reduce event messages.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the SLIFCT host bus adapter (HBA) encounters an error while processing a mailbox command.
- Corrective Action
Contact NetApp technical support with the command, subsystem, subopcode, status, and extended status code for further analysis.
- Syslog Message
FC port %s has a mailbox processing failure for command x%x, subsystem x%x, subopcode x%x, with the status of %d and the extended status of x%x.
- Parameters
hba (STRING): HBA where the mailbox command failure occurred.
command (INTHEX): Mailbox command code.
subsystem (INTHEX): Mailbox subsystem code.
subopcode (INTHEX): Mailbox command subsystem opcode.
status (INT): Status communicated by the firmware for the mailbox command.
extended_status (INTHEX): Extended status communicated by the firmware for the mailbox command.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a Fibre Channel adapter experiences an unrecoverable error. The adapter cannot serve data without a node reboot.
- Corrective Action
Reboot the node to reinitialize the adapter. If the adapter fails to initialize or continues to experience errors, replace the adapter. For further assistance, contact NetApp technical support.
- Syslog Message
Unrecoverable error detected on Fibre Channel target HBA %s with error codes %d and %d.
- Parameters
hba (STRING): Name of the target HBA that encountered the error.
ERROR_1 (INT): Value of the SLIPORT_ERROR1 register.
ERROR_2 (INT): Value of the SLIPORT_ERROR2 register.
- Deprecated
Deprecated as of ONTAP® version 9.2.0 in an effort to reduce event messages.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the SLI Fibre Channel Target driver encounters multiple Work Queue Entry (WQE) failures of a certain type that exhaust the retry limit.
- Corrective Action
Contact NetApp technical support with the type, command code, subtype, status, and extended status values for further analysis.
- Syslog Message
FC port %s, NPIV port %d has reached the retry limit %d of WQE processing failure for type %s, command %s, subtype x%x with status of %d and an extended status of x%x.
- Parameters
hba (STRING): FC HBA where the WQE failure occurred.
npiv_port (INT): NPIV LIF ID.
retry_limit (INT): Number of times that this WQE can be retried.
type (STRING): Type of WQE.
command (STRING): Name of the command in the WQE.
subtype (INTHEX): Subtype of the command.
status (INT): Status value communicated by the firmware after WQE processing.
extended_status (INTHEX): Extended status value communicated by the firmware after WQE processing.