raid.replay events

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- Severity
- Description
This event is issued when an aggregate becomes available and system successfully replayed the preserved NVRAM entries associated with that aggregate. The NVRAM entries replayed are saved in a system file on the root volume.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Successfully replayed %d checksum, %d stripe %d pzero block entries from preserved NVRAM file for %s %s%s having raidtreeID %s.
- Parameters
nchecksum_replayed (INT): Identifies the number of checksum NVRAM entries replayed
nstripe_replayed (INT): Identifies the number of stripe NVRAM entries replayed
nblkbuf_replayed (INT): Identifies the number of pzero entries replayed
vol_type (STRING): Volume type.
owner (STRING): Owner of the aggregate.
vol (STRING): Name of the aggregate.
raidtreeID (STRING): RAIDtree identifier of the aggregate.
- Severity
- Description
This event is issued while starting the raid nvfile replay for an aggregate. When a aggregate becomes available and system determines that there are relevant nvram entries saved in a system file for such aggregate, those saved nvram entries must be replayed.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Starting raid nvfile replay for %s %s%s having raidtreeID %s stored on %s host root volume.
- Parameters
vol_type (STRING): Volume type.
owner (STRING): Owner of the aggregate.
vol (STRING): Name of the aggregate.
raidtreeID (STRING): Raidtree identifier of the aggregate.
host (STRING): The preserved nvfile being replayed for this aggregate was found on the host root volume.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when RAID replays partner nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM).
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Replaying partner NVRAM.
- Parameters