wafl.cbin events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when cloud mirror configuration changes during the WAFLiron operation on a FabricPool aggregate with unified format enabled.
- Corrective Action
Run wafliron again on the aggregate.
- Syslog Message
The wafliron cannot update total physical size on bin label as cloud mirror configuartion has changed on aggreagate %s. Please run wafliron again on the aggregate.
- Parameters
aggregate_name (STRING): Aggregate name.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when number of invalid entries in objslothdr metafile reaches the upper threshold during the WAFLiron operation on a FabricPool aggregate with unified format enabled.
- Corrective Action
Run the fixup tool on the Fabricpool aggregate and after the fixup tool finishes, run wafliron again on the aggregate.
- Syslog Message
The wafliron cannot update total physical size on bin label as number of invalid entries in slothdr metafile reached the upper threshold on aggregate %s. Please run the fixup tool on the aggregate before running wafliron again.
- Parameters
aggregate_name (STRING): Aggregate name.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when overcounting of total physical size on the bin label happens due to invalid entries in slothdr metafile belonging to a Fabricpool aggregate with unified format enabled.
- Corrective Action
Run the fixup tool on the Fabricpool aggregate and after the fixup tool finishes, run wafliron again on the aggregate.
- Syslog Message
The total physical size on bin label belonging to Fabricpool aggregate %s might be overcounted as there were %llu invalid entries in slothdr metafile. The current physical used is %llu. Previously physical used was %llu. For further assistance, contact NetApp technical support.
- Parameters
aggregate_name (STRING): Aggregate name.
invalid_entry_count (LONGINT): Number of invalid entries present in slothdr metafile.
physical_used (LONGINT): Current total physical used in capacity tier.
old_physical_used (LONGINT): Previous total physical used in capacity tier.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when wafliron skips ironing objslothdr metafile on a FabricPool aggregate with unified format enabled as resync operation is in progress.
- Corrective Action
Run wafliron again once resync operation is complete.
- Syslog Message
Wafliron has skipped ironing objslothdr metafile on aggregate %s as resync operation is in progress on this aggregate. Please run wafliron after resync operation is complete.
- Parameters
aggregate_name (STRING): Aggregate name.