wafl.dir events

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- Severity
- Description
This message indicates that CIFS directory conversion is in progress and WAFL will not hang due to timeout. Directory conversion happens the first time a volume with 8.3-format names is accessed by a CIFS client.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
WAFL %s directory conversion in progress.
- Parameters
type (STRING): Type of directory operation (revert/convert).
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when access to a directory is rejected because an attempted operation requires the directory to be converted to Unicode format and the directory is too large to be converted quickly. Directory conversion is required for a directory with 8.3-format names to be accessed by a CIFS or NFSv4 client.
- Corrective Action
Use the "volume modify" command to enable the "convert_ucode" option on the volume experiencing the rejected access, and then retry the access attempt. Note that this might result in system performance degradation or temporary loss of service while the conversion occurs. Search on "Converting existing directories to Unicode format" for more information.
- Syslog Message
Access to large directory on volume MSID:%u, file ID:%u rejected for requiring conversion.
- Parameters
msid (LONGINTHEX): Volume master data set identifier (MSID) of the volume experiencing the rejected access.
fileid (INT): File identifier of the directory experiencing the rejected access.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a directory depth reaches its maximum depth limit. The default maximum depth is 2000.
- Corrective Action
Reduce the depth of the directory, by moving directory hierarchy to higher levels.
- Syslog Message
Directory depth for inum %d in volume %s%s exceeds the maximum directory depth limit. To fix this issue, please reduce the directory depth.
- Parameters
fileid (INT): Fileid of the directory for which directory depth reached its maximum limit.
vol (STRING): Volume in which directory depth reached its maximum limit.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
volident (STRING): Unique volume identifier in cases where volume name itself is insufficient.
- Severity
- Description
This event is issued when directory prefetch results in inconsistent file identifier data. The fh[0] to fh[4] parameters represent the encoded filehandle value.
- Corrective Action
If this error condition occurs, contact NetApp technical support for further assistance.
- Syslog Message
wafl_prefetch_dir_inos: inconsistent fileid %d in %s directory {x%x %d %d %d %d}.
- Parameters
fileId (INT): The file identifier
ino_type (STRING): The inode type
fh0 (INT): fh[0]
fh1 (INT): fh[1]
fh2 (INT): fh[2]
fh3 (INT): fh[3]
fh4 (INT): fh[4]
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs as a warning when a parent directory reaches its maximum link limit within a specified time interval and the no of parent directory reached maximum hard link limit reached the upper limit. A directory has only one parent directory, which counts as a hard link. All other hard links are from the directories contained within this directory. The link to the parent directory cannot be removed.
- Corrective Action
Use the "volume file show-inode" command with the file ID and volume name information to find the file path. Reduce the hard link count of this directory by moving some of its subdirectories to another directory, or remove some of its subdirectories.
- Syslog Message
This is the last warning for failure to create a new sub-directory since parent directory with fileid %d in volume %s%s has reached its sub-directory limit.
- Parameters
fileid (INT): File ID of the parent directory that has reached its maximum hard link limit.
vol (STRING): Name of the volume in which the parent directory resides.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
volident (STRING): Unique volume identifier (UUID) of the volume in which the parent directory resides, when the volume name alone is insufficient.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a parent directory surpasses 90% of its maximum hard link limit. The total hard link count for a directory is the number of its subdirectories plus other hard links to the directory.
- Corrective Action
Use the "volume file show-inode" command with the file ID and volume name information to find the file path. Move some of the parent directory's subdirectories to a different directory. Take care not to create too many new subdirectories in the parent directory that is reaching its limit until you reduce the hard link count.
- Syslog Message
The directory with fileid %d in volume %s%s%s is approaching the maximum link limit of %d. Reduce the number of links to the existing parent directory.
- Parameters
fileid (INT): File ID of the parent directory that has surpassed 90% of its maximum hard link limit.
vol (STRING): Name of the volume in which the parent directory resides.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
volident (STRING): Unique volume identifier (UUID) of the volume in which the parent directory resides, when the volume name alone is insufficient.
maxLink (INT): Maximum number of hard links for the parent directory.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs as a warning when a directory has reached its maximum hard link limit and the specified time interval is exceeded.
- Corrective Action
Use the "volume file show-inode" command with the file ID and volume name information to find the file path. Reduce the hard link count of this directory by moving some of its subdirectories to another directory, or remove some of its subdirectories.
- Syslog Message
- Parameters
fileid (INT): File ID of the parent directory that has reached its maximum hard link limit.
vol (STRING): Name of the volume in which the parent directory resides.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
volident (STRING): Unique volume identifier (UUID) of the volume in which the parent directory resides, when the volume name alone is insufficient.
maxLink (INT): Maximum number of hard links allowed.
- Severity
- Description
This event occurs as a warning when a parent directory reached its maximum hard link limit within a specified time interval and the no of parent directory reached maximum hard link limit is below the upper limit.
- Corrective Action
Use the "volume file show-inode" command with the file ID and volume name information to find the file path. create new subdirectories in a different parent directory. Alternatively, move some of the current parent directory's subdirectories to a different directory.
- Syslog Message
A request to make a subdirectory in parent directory with fileid %d in volume %s%s could not be handled because the parent directory has reached its link limit; use a different parent directory or reduce the number of hard links by moving some of its subdirectories to a different directory.
- Parameters
fileid (INT): File ID of the parent directory that has reached its maximum hard link limit.
vol (STRING): Name of the volume in which the parent directory resides.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
volident (STRING): Unique volume identifier (UUID) of the volume in which the parent directory resides, when the volume name alone is insufficient.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when an inode has reached its maximum number of NT streams.
- Corrective Action
Reduce the number of streams on the file.
- Syslog Message
Inode %d has reached its maximum number of NT streams.
- Parameters
fileId (INT): File identifier.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when an inode is nearing its maximum number of NT streams.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Inode %d is nearing its maximum number of NT streams.
- Parameters
fileId (INT): File identifier.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs after a directory has reached its maximum directory size (maxdirsize) limit.
- Corrective Action
Use the "volume file show-inode" command with the file ID and volume name information to find the file path. Reduce the number of files in the directory. If not possible, use the (privilege:advanced) option "volume modify -volume vol_name -maxdir-size new_value" to increase the maximum number of files per directory. However, doing so could impact system performance. If you need to increase the maximum directory size, work with technical support.
- Syslog Message
Directory size for fileid %d in volume %s%s reached the maxdirsize limit.
- Parameters
fileid (INT): File ID of the directory that has reached maximum size for directories in its volume.
vol (STRING): Volume in which the directory is present.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
volident (STRING): Unique volume identifier (UUID) of the volume in which the parent directory resides, when the volume name alone is insufficient.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the size of a directory has reached or surpassed a configured percentage (default: 90%) of its current maximum directory size (maxdirsize) limit, and the current maxdirsize is less than the default maxdirsize, which is 1% of total system memory.
- Corrective Action
Use the "volume file show-inode" command with the file ID and volume name information to find the file path. Reduce the number of files in the directory. If not possible, use the (privilege:advanced) option "volume modify -volume vol_name -maxdir-size new_value" to increase the maximum number of files per directory. However, doing so could impact system performance. If you need to increase the maximum directory size, contact technical support.
- Syslog Message
Directory size for file ID "%d" in volume "%s%s" is approaching the maximum directory size (maxdirsize) limit.
- Parameters
fileid (INT): File ID of the directory that has reached or is approaching the current maximum size for directories in its volume.
vol (STRING): Name of the volume in which the directory is located.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
volident (STRING): Unique volume identifier (UUID) of the volume in which the parent directory is located, when the volume name alone is insufficient.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the size of a directory surpasses a configured percentage (default: 90%) of its current maximum directory size (maxdirsize) limit.
- Corrective Action
Use the "volume file show-inode" command with the file ID and volume name information to find the file path. Reduce the number of files in the directory. If not possible, use the (privilege:advanced) option "volume modify -volume vol_name -maxdir-size new_value" to increase the maximum number of files per directory. However, doing so could impact system performance. If you need to increase the maximum directory size, work with technical support.
- Syslog Message
Directory size for file ID "%d" in volume "%s%s" is approaching the maximum directory size (maxdirsize) limit.
- Parameters
fileid (INT): File ID of the directory that has surpassed 90% of current maximum size for directories in its volume.
vol (STRING): Name of the volume in which the directory is located.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
volident (STRING): Unique volume identifier (UUID) of the volume in which the parent directory is located, when the volume name alone is insufficient.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs as a warning when a file name with surrogate pair characters in UTF-16 encoding fails to be created in a parent directory.
- Corrective Action
To allow names with surrogate pairs to be created, use the following command: "setflag wafl_reject_surrogate_pair 0". If the option needs to be set across reboots, set the bootarg 'wafl-accept-surrogate-pair?' to "true" at the LOADER prompt.
- Syslog Message
Failed to create a file with surrogate pair characters in the name in the directory %s.
- Parameters
dir (STRING): Parent directory.