wafl.repl events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a replication operation receives a timestamp with an invalid nanoseconds portion, and clears it.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Encountered invalid %s time on inode %u of volume %u.
- Parameters
type (STRING): Type of timestamp.
inode_num (INT): Identifier of the affected file.
fsid (INT): Identifier of the volume.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when WAFL® sets the maximum directory size of a SnapMirror® destination volume to a value higher than its default during a SnapMirror transfer.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
The maxdirsize (%u KB) of volume %s (FSID %u) is higher than the default (%u KB). There might be a performance penalty when doing operations on large directories. This was generated for a SnapMirror relationship with ID %s.
- Parameters
current_maxdirsize (INT): Current maximum directory size value.
vol (STRING): Name of the volume.
volFsid (INT): File system ID (FSID) of the volume.
default_maxdirsize (INT): Default maximum directory size value.
SnapMirrorID (STRING): Unique ID of the SnapMirror relationship for this operation, which can be used to match this message with messages for the same relationship in other logs (for example, the SnapMirror log at /mroot/etc/log/snapmirror_audit).
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the replication source engine encounters a disk error in the file system metadata. Replication transfer will abort.
- Corrective Action
Run wafliron to fix the active file system. To continue replication transfer, delete the Snapshot(tm) copies containing this bad block.
- Syslog Message
%s: %s%s%s%s: WAFL metadata inconsistent due to disk errors. (vvbn:%u level:%u file_type:%d). Aborting transfer.
- Parameters
vol_type (STRING): Whether the block was being accessed for a volume or an aggregate.
owner (STRING): String indicating the owner of the affected volume or aggregate.
vol (STRING): Name of the volume or aggregate.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
volident (STRING): Unique identifier of the volume in cases where the volume name itself is insufficient.
vvbn (INT): Virtual Volume Block Number.
level (INT): Buffer level.
file_type (INT): File type.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a logical break zombie restart is going through a scan of composite zombies and it suspends the incoming client composite delete requests.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
The deletion of file with fileid %d is suspended because volume %s (FSID %u) is going through a logical break. The file delete will be resumed after logical break is complete.
- Parameters
fileid (INT): File identifier.
vol (STRING): Name of the volume.
volFsid (INT): File system ID (FSID) of the volume.