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SANtricity commands

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This topic lists changes in the latest SANtricity System Manager releases of the CLI command and Script commands.


When issuing SMcli commands at the command prompt, you must enter an additional backslash (\) character as an escape character in the file path name of an input or output file when using the Windows OS. The additional backslash (\) must be included when using SMcli in secure, https mode, by providing the -u option to specify a role-based access management user. Example: C:\\dir\\subdir\\filename


If you are currently using SANtricity 11.52 or earlier, you cannot upgrade to the latest version of SANtricity through the legacy CLI. Upgrades from SANtricity 11.52 to later versions can only be performed through the SMcli.

SANtricity 11.90

The following table list changes to the CLI and Script Commands for release 11.90.

Command Description of Change

Added command

Added KeySize parameter.

Added destinationAddress parameter.

Added dispatch size limits and destination email addresses to example output for command.

Added privateKeyFile parameter.

SANtricity 11.81

The following table list changes to the CLI and Script Commands for release 11.81.

Command Description of Change

Added identifyDevices parameter.

SANtricity 11.80

The following table list changes to the CLI and Script Commands for release 11.80.

Command Description of Change

Added command

Added command

Added command

Added command

Added command

Added -useLegacyTransferPort parameter.

Added blockSize parameter.

Deprecated command.

SANtricity 11.70.5

There are no CLI and Script Command changes for release 11.70.5.

SANtricity 11.70.4

The following table list changes to the CLI and Script Commands for release 11.70.4.

Command Description of Change

Added -t and -T access token parameter descriptions for multifactor authentication.

SANtricity 11.70.3

The following table list changes to the CLI and Script Commands for release 11.70.3.

Command Description of Change

Added command

Added command

Updated disableResourceProvisioning parameter description.

Updated disableResourceProvisioning parameter description.

Added deleteOldKey parameter.

Updated driveCount parameter description.

SANtricity 11.70.2

The following table list changes to the CLI and Script Commands for release 11.70.2.

Command Description of Change

Added command

Added command

Added command

Added command

Added userName and engineid parameters.

Added userName and engineid parameters.

Added userName and engineid parameters.

SANtricity 11.70.1

The following table list changes to the CLI and Script Commands for release 11.70.1.

Command Description of Change

Added command

Added forceOverwrite parameter.

Added fecMode parameter.

Added syslogFormat parameter.

Added syslogFormat parameter.

Added serverEncryption, serverPort, serverUsername, and serverPassword parameters.

Added SMTP encryption, port, and credential parameter data.

Added blockSize parameter.

SANtricity 11.70

The following table list changes to the CLI and Script Commands for release 11.70.

Command Description of Change

Added healthCheckNeedsAttnOverride parameter.

Added raidLevel parameter.

Added saveFile parameter.

Added saveFile parameter.

Added hostUnmapEnabled parameter.