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Zeigt BranchCache-Statistiken an


Sie können BranchCache-Statistiken anzeigen, um unter anderem die optimale Cache-Speicherung zu ermitteln, ob Ihre Konfiguration den Clients zwischengespeicherte Inhalte bereitstellt, und bestimmen, ob Hash-Dateien gelöscht wurden, um Platz für aktuellere Hash-Daten zu schaffen.

Über diese Aufgabe

Das hashd Statistikobjekt enthält Zähler, die statistische Informationen über BranchCache-Hashes bereitstellen. Das cifs Statistikobjekt enthält Zähler, die statistische Informationen über BranchCache-bezogene Aktivitäten bereitstellen. Sie können auf der erweiterten Berechtigungsebene Informationen über diese Objekte erfassen und anzeigen.

  1. Legen Sie die Berechtigungsebene auf erweitert fest: set -privilege advanced

    cluster1::> set -privilege advanced
    Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by support personnel.
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
  2. Zeigen Sie mit dem statistics catalog counter show Befehl die Zähler für BranchCache an.

    Weitere Informationen zu Statistikzählern finden Sie auf der man-Page für diesen Befehl.

    cluster1::*> statistics catalog counter show -object hashd
    Object: hashd
        Counter                     Description
        --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
        branchcache_hash_created    Number of times a request to generate
                                    BranchCache hash for a file succeeded.
                                    Number of times a BranchCache hash file was
                                    deleted to make room for more recent hash
                                    data. This happens if the hash store size is
        branchcache_hash_rejected   Number of times a request to generate
                                    BranchCache hash data failed.
                                    Total number of bytes used to store hash data.
        branchcache_hash_store_size Total space used to store BranchCache hash
                                    data for the Vserver.
        instance_name               Instance Name
        instance_uuid               Instance UUID
        node_name                   System node name
        node_uuid                   System node id
    9 entries were displayed.
    cluster1::*> statistics catalog counter show -object cifs
    Object: cifs
        Counter                     Description
        --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
        active_searches             Number of active searches over SMB and SMB2
        auth_reject_too_many        Authentication refused after too many
                                    requests were made in rapid succession
        avg_directory_depth         Average number of directories crossed by SMB
                                    and SMB2 path-based commands
        avg_junction_depth          Average number of junctions crossed by SMB
                                    and SMB2 path-based commands
        branchcache_hash_fetch_fail Total number of times a request to fetch hash
                                    data failed. These are failures when
                                    attempting to read existing hash data. It
                                    does not include attempts to fetch hash data
                                    that has not yet been generated.
        branchcache_hash_fetch_ok   Total number of times a request to fetch hash
                                    data succeeded.
        branchcache_hash_sent_bytes Total number of bytes sent to clients
                                    requesting hashes.
                                    Total number of bytes of data that had to be
                                    read by the client because the hash for that
                                    content was not available on the server.
       ....Output truncated....
  3. Sammeln Sie mit den statistics start statistics stop Befehlen und BranchCache-bezogene Statistiken.

    cluster1::*> statistics start -object cifs -vserver vs1 -sample-id 11
    Statistics collection is being started for Sample-id: 11
    cluster1::*> statistics stop -sample-id 11
    Statistics collection is being stopped for Sample-id: 11
  4. Zeigen Sie die gesammelten BranchCache-Statistiken mit dem statistics show Befehl an.

    cluster1::*> statistics show -object cifs -counter  branchcache_hash_sent_bytes -sample-id 11
    Object: cifs
    Instance: vs1
    Start-time: 12/26/2012 19:50:24
    End-time: 12/26/2012 19:51:01
    Cluster: cluster1
        Counter                                                     Value
        -------------------------------- --------------------------------
        branchcache_hash_sent_bytes                                     0
        branchcache_hash_sent_bytes                                     0
        branchcache_hash_sent_bytes                                     0
        branchcache_hash_sent_bytes                                     0
    cluster1::*> statistics show -object cifs -counter  branchcache_missing_hash_bytes -sample-id 11
    Object: cifs
    Instance: vs1
    Start-time: 12/26/2012 19:50:24
    End-time: 12/26/2012 19:51:01
    Cluster: cluster1
        Counter                                                     Value
        -------------------------------- --------------------------------
        branchcache_missing_hash_bytes                                  0
        branchcache_missing_hash_bytes                                  0
        branchcache_missing_hash_bytes                                  0
        branchcache_missing_hash_bytes                                  0
  5. Kehren Sie zur Administrator-Berechtigungsebene zurück: set -privilege admin

    cluster1::*> set -privilege admin
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