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ONTAP commands
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lun move show

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Display a list LUNs currently being moved

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The lun move show command shows information about LUNs currently being moved in the cluster.

Note This command is not supported for a Vserver with Infinite Volume.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver Name

Selects LUN move operations that match this parameter value.

[-destination-path <path>] - Destination Path

Selects LUN move operations that match this parameter value.

[-source-path <path>] - Source Path

Selects LUN move operations that match this parameter value.

[-is-promoted-late {true|false}] - Is Destination Promoted Late

Selects LUN move operations that match this parameter value.

[-max-throughput {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Maximum Transfer Rate (per sec)

Selects LUN move operations that match this parameter value.

[-job-status {Preparing|Allocation-Map|Data|Destroying|Paused-Admin|Paused-Error|Complete|Destroyed}] - LUN Move Status

Selects LUN move operations that match this parameter value. The possible values are:

  • Preparing - the LUN move job is in Preparing status.

  • Allocation-Map - the LUN move job is in Allocating status.

  • Data - the LUN move job is in Moving Data status.

  • Destroying - the LUN move job is in Destroying status.

  • Paused-Admin - the LUN move job is in Paused By Admin status.

  • Paused-Error - the LUN move job is in Paused By Error status.

  • Complete - the LUN move job is in Complete status.

  • Destroyed - the LUN move job is in Destroyed status.

[-progress-percent <percent>] - LUN Move Progress (%)

Selects LUN move operations that match this parameter value.

[-elapsed-time <time_interval>] - Elapsed Time

Selects LUN move operations that match this parameter value.

[-cutover-time <time_interval>] - Cutover Time

Selects LUN move operations that match this parameter value.

[-is-snapshot-fenced {true|false}] - Is Snapshot Fenced

Selects LUN move operations that match this parameter value.

[-is-destination-ready {true|false}] - Is Destination Ready

Selects LUN move operations that match this parameter value.

[-last-failure-reason <text>] - Last Failure Reason

Selects LUN move operations that match this parameter value.


cluster1::> lun move show
Vserver   Destination Path                Status          Progress
--------- ------------------------------- --------------- --------
vs1       /vol/vol2/lun1                  Data            35%
vs1       /vol/vol2/lun2                  Complete        100%
2 entries were displayed.

The example above displays information about all the LUN move operations in the cluster.

cluster1::> lun move show -vserver vs1 -destination-path /vol/vol2/lun1 -instance
Destination Vserver Name: vs1
               Destination Path: /vol/vol2/lun1
                    Source Path: /vol/vol1/lun1
  Is Destination Promoted Early: false
Maximum Transfer Rate (per sec): 0B
                LUN Move Status: Data
          LUN Move Progress (%): 35%
                   Elapsed Time: 145s
            Cutover Time (secs): 0s
             Is Snapshot Fenced: true
           Is Destination Ready: true
            Last Failure Reason: -

The example above displays all information about the LUN being moved to /vol/vol2/lun1 in Vserver vs1 .