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ONTAP 9.3 commands
A newer release of this product is available.

snapmirror quiesce

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Disable future transfers

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The snapmirror quiesce command disables future transfers for a SnapMirror relationship. If there is no transfer in progress, the relationship becomes "Quiesced" .

If there is a transfer in progress, it is not affected, and the relationship becomes "Quiescing" until the transfer completes. If the current transfer aborts, it will be treated like a future transfer and will not restart.

If applied to a load-sharing (LS) SnapMirror relationship, all the relationships in the load-sharing set will be quiesced.

When a SnapMirror relationship is quiesced, it remains quiesced across reboots and fail-overs.

This command is supported for SnapMirror relationships with the field "Relationship Capability" showing as either "8.2 and above" or "Pre 8.2" in the output of the snapmirror show command.

The snapmirror quiesce command must be used from the destination Vserver or cluster.

The relationship must exist on the destination Vserver or cluster. When issuing snapmirror quiesce , you must specify the destination endpoint. The specification of the source endpoint of the relationship is optional.


{ [-S, -source-path {<[vserver:][volume]>|<[[cluster:]//vserver/]volume>|<hostip:/lun/name>|<hostip:/share/share-name>}] - Source Path

This parameter specifies the source endpoint of the SnapMirror relationship in one of four path formats. The normal format includes the names of the Vserver (vserver) and/or the volume (volume). To support relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , a format which also includes the name of the cluster (cluster) is provided. The "Pre 8.2" format cannot be used when operating in a Vserver context on relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "8.2 and above" . For SnapMirror relationships with an AltaVault source, the source endpoint is specified in the form hostip:/share/share-name . For SnapMirror relationships with a SolidFire source, the source endpoint is specified in the form hostip:/lun/name .

| [-source-cluster <Cluster name>] - Source Cluster

Specifies the source cluster of the SnapMirror relationship. If this parameter is specified, the -source-vserver and -source-volume parameters must also be specified. This parameter is only applicable for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" . This parameter cannot be specified when operating in a Vserver context on relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "8.2 and above" .

[-source-vserver <vserver name>] - Source Vserver

Specifies the source Vserver of the SnapMirror relationship. For relationships with volumes as endpoints, if this parameter is specified, parameters -source-volume and for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , -source-cluster must also be specified. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP source endpoints.

[-source-volume <volume name>] - Source Volume }

Specifies the source volume of the SnapMirror relationship. If this parameter is specified, parameters -source-vserver and for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , -source-cluster must also be specified. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP source endpoints.

{ -destination-path {<[vserver:][volume]>|<[[cluster:]//vserver/]volume>|<hostip:/lun/name>|<hostip:/share/share-name>} - Destination Path

This parameter specifies the destination endpoint of the SnapMirror relationship in one of four path formats. The normal format includes the names of the Vserver (vserver) and/or volume (volume). To support relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , a format which also includes the name of the cluster (cluster) is provided. The "Pre 8.2" format cannot be used when operating in a Vserver context on relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "8.2 and above" . For SnapMirror relationships with AltaVault destinations, the destination endpoint is specified in the form hostip:/share/share-name . For relationships with SolidFire destinations, the destination endpoint is specified in the form hostip:/lun/name .

| [-destination-cluster <Cluster name>] - Destination Cluster

Specifies the destination cluster of the SnapMirror relationship. If this parameter is specified, parameters -destination-vserver and -destination-volume must also be specified. This parameter is only applicable for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" . This parameter cannot be specified when operating in a Vserver context on relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "8.2 and above" .

-destination-vserver <vserver name> - Destination Vserver

Specifies the destination Vserver of the SnapMirror relationship. For relationships with volumes as endpoints, if this parameter is specified, parameters -destination-volume and for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , -destination-cluster must also be specified. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP destination endpoints.

-destination-volume <volume name> - Destination Volume }

Specifies the destination volume of the SnapMirror relationship. If this parameter is specified, parameters -destination-vserver and for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , -destination-cluster must also be specified. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP destination endpoints.


To quiesce the SnapMirror relationship with the destination endpoint , type the following command:> snapmirror quiesce -destination-path

For relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , to quiesce the SnapMirror relationship with the destination endpoint cluster2:// , type the following command:

cluster2::> snapmirror quiesce -destination-path

To quiesce the Vserver SnapMirror relationship with the destination endpoint , type the following command:

cluster2::> snapmirror quiesce -destination-path