vserver services name-service getxxbyyy netgrpbyhost
Check if a client is part of a netgroup using netgroup-by-host query
Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.
The ` vserver services name-service getxxbyyy netgrpbyhost` command checks whether a client is part of a netgroup using the netgroup.byhost map. The underlying service for doing the lookup is selected based on the configured name service switch order.
-node {<nodename>|local}
- Node Name (privilege: advanced)-
Use this parameter to specify the node where the lookup will be performed.
-vserver <vserver name>
- Vserver Name (privilege: advanced)-
Use this parameter to specify the Vserver where the lookup will be performed.
-netgroup <text>
- Netgroup Name (privilege: advanced)-
Use this parameter to specify the netgroup name.
-clientIP <IP Address>
- Client IP Address (privilege: advanced)-
Use this parameter to specify the client IPv4/IPv6 address for which you want to check the membership in a given netgroup.
[-enable-domain-search-flag {true|false}]
- Use DNS domain (privilege: advanced)-
Use this parameter to specify whether you want to perform shortname host lookups in case the configured DNS search domains match the domain returned by the reverse lookup.
[-show-source {true|false}]
- Source Used for Lookup (privilege: advanced)-
Use this parameter to specify whether you want to display the source used for the lookup.
The following example checks whether the given client IP address is a member of the given netgroup:
cluster1::*> vserver services name-service getxxbyyy netgrpbyhost -node node1 -vserver vs1 -netgroup ng1 -clientIP Hostname resolved to: dnshost.example.com Success