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application show-detail

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Display application details

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


This command displays storage and protocol elements of applications.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

Specifies fields that you want included in the output. You can use -fields ? to display the available fields.

| [-instance ] }

Specifies the display of all available fields for each selected application.

[-vserver <vserver name>] - Vserver

Selects elements of applications belonging to Vservers that match the parameter value.

[-application <text>] - Application

Selects elements of applications with an application name that matches the parameter value.

[-element-type {lun|lun-clone|nas|igroup}] - Type of Object

Selects application elements with type that matches the parameter value. Possible values are lun for application provisioned LUNs on SAN applications, lun-clone for auxiliary LUNs in SAN applications, igroup for protocol elements in SAN applications and nas for application provisioned storage and protocol information in NAS applications.

[-application-component <text>] - Application Component

Selects application elements which belong to the application component that matches the parameter value. Only application provisioned storage elements of type lun , nas can belong to application components.

[-element-name <text>] - Name of Object

Selects application elements with an element name that matches the parameter value.

[-application-template <text>] - Application Template

Selects application elements that belong to applications with templates that match the parameter value.

[-application-template-version <integer>] - Application Template Version

Selects application elements that belong to applications with template version that match the parameter value.

[-application-uuid <UUID>] - Application UUID

Selects application elements that belong to applications whose UUID matches the parameter value.

[-application-component-uuid <UUID>] - Application Component UUID

Selects application elements which belong to the application component whose UUID that matches the parameter value.

[-application-component-storage-service <text>] - Storage Service

Selects application elements which belong to the application component with a storage service that matches the parameter value.

[-nas-element-path <junction path>] - Volume Path

Selects application elements with a NAS element path that matches the parameter value. This field is valid only for elements of type nas .

[-nas-element-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Volume Size

Selects application elements with NAS element size that matches the parameter value. This field is valid only for elements of type nas

[-cifs-share-name <Share>] - CIFS Share Name

Selects application elements with a CIFS share that matches the parameter value. This field is valid only for elements of type nas .

[-cifs-server-fqdn <text>] - CIFS Server Name

Selects application elements with a CIFS Server that matches the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type nas .

[-cifs-permissions <text>,…​] - CIFS User Permissions

Selects application elements with CIFS Permissions that matches the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type nas .

[-cifs-access-ips <IP Address>,…​] - Recommended LIFs for CIFS

Selects application elements with CIFS LIFs that matches the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type nas . The CIFS access IPs are recommended LIFs for CIFS access. If LIFs local to the volume are available, then these are recommended. If not, two remote LIFs are returned. Data can be accessed over other available LIFs but that is not recommended.

[-nfs-export-policy-name <export policy name>] - Export Policy Name

Selects application elements with an export policy name that matches the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type nas .

[-nfs-permissions <text>,…​] - NFS Permissions

Selects application elements with NFS permissions that matches the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type nas .

[-nfs-access-ips <IP Address>,…​] - Recommended LIFs for NFS

Selects application elements with NFS LIFs that matches the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type nas . The NFS access IPs are recommended LIFs for NFS access. If LIFs local to the volume are available, then these are recommended. If not, two remote LIFs are returned. Data can be accessed over other available LIFs but that is not recommended.

[-lun <text>] - LUN Name

Selects application elements with a LUN name that matches the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type lun and lun-clone .

[-lun-path <path>] - LUN Path

Selects application elements with LUN path that matches the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type lun and lun-clone .

[-serial <text>] - LUN Serial

Selects application elements with a LUN serial number that matches the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type lun and lun-clone .

[-lun-ids <integer>,…​] - LUN IDs

Selects application elements with LUN IDs that match the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type lun and lun-clone .

[-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Element Size

Selects application elements with a LUN size that matches the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type lun and lun-clone .

[-igroups <text>,…​] - Igroups

Selects application elements mapped to igroups with names that match the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type lun and lun-clone .

[-initiator <text>,…​] - Initiators

Selects application elements mapped to initiators that matches the parameter value. This field is valid for only elements of type igroup .

[-is-protection-supported {true|false}] - Is Protection Supported

Selects applications with is-protection-supported flag that matches the parameter value. The is-protection-supported flag indicates if any type of protection is supported for the application.

[-is-protected {true|false}] - Is Application Protected

Selects applications with is-protected flag that matches the parameter value. The is-protected flag indicates if any type of protection is enabled for the application.

[-local-RPO <text>] - Local RPO

Selects applications with local-RPO that matches the parameter value.

[-local-RPO-description <text>] - Local RPO description

Selects applications with local-RPO-descriptions that match the parameter value. The local RPO description provides details about the local RPO associated with the application.

[-remote-RPO <text>] - Remote RPO

Selects applications with remote-RPO that matches the parameter value.

[-remote-RPO-description <text>] - Remote RPO description

Selects applications with remote-RPO-descriptions that match the parameter value. The remote RPO description provides details about the remote RPO associated with the application.


cluster1::> application show-detail -vserver vs0
rupancluster-1::*> application show-detail                                                                                                                                    =============================================================================
                   Vserver: vs0
               Application: my_nas_app
      Application Template: NAS
NAS Storage Element
                 Component: data
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: my_nas_app_data_1
                      Path: /my_nas_app_data_1
                      Size: 30MB
                CIFS Share: my_nas_app_data_1
               CIFS Server: KTCIFS.
     CIFS User Permissions: Everyone / Read
                 CIFS LIFs:
             Export Policy: my_nas_app
           NFS Permissions: / ro
                  NFS LIFs:

                   Vserver: vs0
               Application: my_san_app
      Application Template: SAN
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: data_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: data_group1_1
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_data_group1_1/data_group1_1
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7V
                      Size: 60MB
                   Igroups: igroup1
                   LUN IDs: 0
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: data_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: data_group1_2
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_data_group1_1/data_group1_2
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7W
                      Size: 60MB
                   Igroups: igroup1
                   LUN IDs: 1
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: data_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: data_group1_3
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_data_group1_1/data_group1_3
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7X
                      Size: 60MB
                   Igroups: igroup1
                   LUN IDs: 2
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: data_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: data_group1_4
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_data_group1_1/data_group1_4
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7Y
                      Size: 60MB
                   Igroups: igroup1
                   LUN IDs: 3
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: redolog_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: redolog_group1_1
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_redolog_group1_1/redolog_group1_1
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7Z
                      Size: 120MB
                   Igroups: igroup2
                   LUN IDs: 0
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: redolog_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: redolog_group1_2
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_redolog_group1_1/redolog_group1_2
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7/
                      Size: 120MB
                   Igroups: igroup2
                   LUN IDs: 1
Auxiliary LUN
                   Element: redolog_group1_2_clone
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_redolog_group1_1/redolog_group1_2_clone
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7a
                      Size: 120MB
SAN Protocol Info
                    Igroup: igroup1
SAN Protocol Info
                    Igroup: igroup2
10 entries were displayed.

The above example displays the details of all applications in Vserver vs0.

cluster1: : > application show-detail -vserver vs0 -application my_san_app
Vserver: vs0
               Application: my_san_app
      Application Template: SAN
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: data_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: data_group1_1
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_data_group1_1/data_group1_1
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7V
                      Size: 60MB
                   Igroups: igroup1, igroup2
                   LUN IDs: 0, 0
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: data_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: data_group1_2
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_data_group1_1/data_group1_2
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7W
                      Size: 60MB
                   Igroups: igroup1, igroup2
                   LUN IDs: 1, 1
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: data_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: data_group1_3
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_data_group1_1/data_group1_3
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7X
                      Size: 60MB
                   Igroups: igroup1, igroup2
                   LUN IDs: 2, 2
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: data_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: data_group1_4
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_data_group1_1/data_group1_4
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7Y
                      Size: 60MB
                   Igroups: igroup1, igroup2
                   LUN IDs: 3, 3
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: redolog_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: redolog_group1_1
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_redolog_group1_1/redolog_group1_1
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7Z
                      Size: 120MB
                   Igroups: igroup2
                   LUN IDs: 0
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: redolog_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: redolog_group1_2
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_redolog_group1_1/redolog_group1_2
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7
                      Size: 120MB
                   Igroups: igroup2
                   LUN IDs: 1
Auxiliary LUN
                   Element: redolog_group1_2_clone
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_redolog_group1_1/redolog_group1_2_clone
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7a
                      Size: 120MB
SAN Protocol Info
                    Igroup: igroup1
SAN Protocol Info
                    Igroup: igroup2
9 entries were displayed.

The above example displays the details of application my_san_app in Vserver vs0.

cluster1: : > application show-detail -vserver vs0 -application my_san_app -application-component data_group1
                   Vserver: vs0
               Application: my_san_app
      Application Template: SAN
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: data_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: data_group1_1
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_data_group1_1/data_group1_1
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7V
                      Size: 60MB
                   Igroups: igroup1
                   LUN IDs: 0
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: data_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: data_group1_2
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_data_group1_1/data_group1_2
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7W
                      Size: 60MB
                   Igroups: igroup1
                   LUN IDs: 1
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: data_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: data_group1_3
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_data_group1_1/data_group1_3
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7X
                      Size: 60MB
                   Igroups: igroup1
                   LUN IDs: 2
SAN Storage Element
                 Component: data_group1
           Storage Service: value
                   Element: data_group1_4
                      Path: /vol/my_san_app_data_group1_1/data_group1_4
             Serial Number: w89ST?JTeR7Y
                      Size: 60MB
                   Igroups: igroup1
                   LUN IDs: 3

4 entries were displayed.

The above example displays the details elements belonging to application-component data_group1 in application my_san_app in Vserver vs0.