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application snapshot restore

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Restore an application or protection group to a snapshot.

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


This command restores a Snapshot that belongs to a specified protection-group in a given application. Every application instance also acts as a protection-group and can be treated as one.


-vserver <vserver name> - Vserver

This specifies the Vserver that contains the application on which the Snapshot is to be restored.

-application <text> - Application

This specifies the name of the application that we want to restore from a Snapshot.

[-protection-group <text>] - Protection Group

This specifies the name of the protection-group where a Snapshot is to be restored. This field is optional, and if not specified, the application itself will be treated as the protection-group.

-snapshot <snapshot name> - Snapshot

This specifies the name of the Snapshot that is to be restored.


The following example restores a Snapshot named snap1 on a application named myapp1 on a vserver named vs of a protection-group called myapp1.

cluster1::> application snapshot restore -vserver vs -application myapp1 -protection-group myapp1 -snapshot snap1