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lun import stop

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Stop the import for the specified LUN

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


This command stops the data import into a specified LUN.

After you stop the data import and if you start the import again using lun import start command, then the import restarts from the beginning.

Note This command is not supported for a Vserver with Infinite Volume.


-vserver <Vserver Name> - Vserver Name (privilege: advanced)

Specifies the Vserver that contains the LUN you want to stop importing data to.

-path <path> - LUN Path (privilege: advanced)

Specifies the path of the LUN that you want to stop the data import to.


cluster1::> lun import stop -vserver vs1 -path /vol/vol2/lun2

Stops data import to lun2 at the path /vol/vol2/lun2