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snapmirror break

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Make SnapMirror destination writable

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The snapmirror break command breaks a SnapMirror relationship between a source and destination endpoint of a data protection mirror. The destination endpoint can be a Vserver, volume or SolidFire endpoint. When Data ONTAP breaks the relationship, if the endpoint is a volume or SolidFire endpoint, the destination is made read/write and can diverge from the source volume, client redirection is turned off on the destination, the restart checkpoint is cleared, and the clients can see the latest Snapshot copy. If the endpoint is a Vserver, the subtype of the destination Vserver is changed to default , volumes in the destination Vserver are made read/write and the clients can now access the Vserver namespace for modifications. For SolidFire destination endpoints, the snapmirror break command is only supported if the endpoint is in a SnapMirror relationship.

Subsequent manual or scheduled SnapMirror updates to the broken relationship will fail until the SnapMirror relationship is reestablished using the snapmirror resync command.

This command applies to data protection mirrors. For vault relationships, this command is only intended for use when preparing for a Data ONTAP revert operation (see the -delete-snapshots parameter in advanced privilege level). This command is not intended for use with load-sharing mirrors.

This command is supported for SnapMirror relationships with the field "Relationship Capability" showing as either "8.2 and above" or "Pre 8.2" in the output of the snapmirror show command.

The snapmirror break command must be used from the destination Vserver or cluster.


{ [-S, -source-path {<[vserver:][volume]>|<[[cluster:]//vserver/]volume>|<hostip:/lun/name>|<hostip:/share/share-name>}] - Source Path

This parameter specifies the source endpoint of the SnapMirror relationship in one of four path formats. The normal format includes the names of the Vserver (vserver) and/or the volume (volume). To support relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , a format which also includes the name of the cluster (cluster) is provided. The "Pre 8.2" format cannot be used when operating in a Vserver context on relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "8.2 and above" . For SnapMirror relationships with an AltaVault source, the source endpoint is specified in the form hostip:/share/share-name . For SnapMirror relationships with a SolidFire source, the source endpoint is specified in the form hostip:/lun/name .

| [-source-cluster <Cluster name>] - Source Cluster

Specifies the source cluster of the SnapMirror relationship. If this parameter is specified, the -source-vserver and -source-volume parameters must also be specified. This parameter is only applicable for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" . This parameter cannot be specified when operating in a Vserver context on relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "8.2 and above" .

[-source-vserver <vserver name>] - Source Vserver

Specifies the source Vserver of the SnapMirror relationship. For relationships with volumes as endpoints, if this parameter is specified, parameters -source-volume and for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , -source-cluster must also be specified. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP source endpoints.

[-source-volume <volume name>] - Source Volume }

Specifies the source volume of the SnapMirror relationship. If this parameter is specified, parameters -source-vserver and for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , -source-cluster must also be specified. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP source endpoints.

{ -destination-path {<[vserver:][volume]>|<[[cluster:]//vserver/]volume>|<hostip:/lun/name>|<hostip:/share/share-name>} - Destination Path

This parameter specifies the destination endpoint of the SnapMirror relationship in one of four path formats. The normal format includes the names of the Vserver (vserver) and/or volume (volume). To support relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , a format which also includes the name of the cluster (cluster) is provided. The "Pre 8.2" format cannot be used when operating in a Vserver context on relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "8.2 and above" . For SnapMirror relationships with AltaVault destinations, the destination endpoint is specified in the form hostip:/share/share-name . For relationships with SolidFire destinations, the destination endpoint is specified in the form hostip:/lun/name .

| [-destination-cluster <Cluster name>] - Destination Cluster

Specifies the destination cluster of the SnapMirror relationship. If this parameter is specified, parameters -destination-vserver and -destination-volume must also be specified. This parameter is only applicable for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" . This parameter cannot be specified when operating in a Vserver context on relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "8.2 and above" .

-destination-vserver <vserver name> - Destination Vserver

Specifies the destination Vserver of the SnapMirror relationship. For relationships with volumes as endpoints, if this parameter is specified, parameters -destination-volume and for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , -destination-cluster must also be specified. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP destination endpoints.

-destination-volume <volume name> - Destination Volume }

Specifies the destination volume of the SnapMirror relationship. If this parameter is specified, parameters -destination-vserver and for relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , -destination-cluster must also be specified. This parameter is not supported for relationships with non-Data ONTAP destination endpoints.

[-f, -force <true>] - Force

If this parameter is specified, the command proceeds without prompting for confirmation.

[-w, -foreground <true>] - Foreground Process

This specifies whether the operation runs as a foreground process. If this parameter is specified, the default setting is true (the operation runs in the foreground). When set to true , the command will not return until the process completes. This parameter is only applicable to relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" .

[-delete-snapshots <true>] - Delete Snapshots for Revert (privilege: advanced)

Using this parameter causes break to delete Snapshot copies on a vault destination so that the system can be reverted. Note that the only Snapshot copies that will be deleted are those that were created with the current version of Data ONTAP. Any Snapshot copies that might be present created with a different version will not be deleted.

[-s, -restore-destination-to-snapshot <text>] - Restore Destination to Snapshot Copy

This optional parameter specifies the Snapshot copy to which the destination volume is restored after a successful break operation. If the parameter is not specified, the destination is restored to the latest Snapshot copy. This parameter is not supported for Vserver or FlexGroup relationships.

[-recover <true>] - Recover (privilege: advanced)

When a SnapMirror break operation fails on a FlexGroup relationship, a subset of the destination FlexGroup constituents could have been made writable and subsequently user data could have been written to these constituents. To recover from this failure, you can execute the snapmirror break command again specifying the -recover parameter. All constituents will be restored to the latest Snapshot copy, and any writes to the read-write constituents will be lost. This parameter is applicable only for SnapMirror relationships with FlexGroup endpoints.


To stop the SnapMirror replication to the destination volume , type the following command:> snapmirror break -destination-path

For relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2" , to stop the SnapMirror replication to the destination volume cluster2:// , type the following command:

cluster2::> snapmirror break
         -destination-path cluster2://

To stop replication to the destination Vserver of a Vserver SnapMirror relationship, type the following command:

cluster2::> snapmirror break -destination-path