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storage-service show

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Display the available storage services

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the advanced privilege level.


This command displays the available Storage Services.

Note The available Storage Services are defined by the type of storage making up an aggregate.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <vserver name>] - Vserver (privilege: advanced)

Selects the available Storage Services for Vservers that match the parameter value.

[-storage-service <text>] - Storage Service (privilege: advanced)

Selects the available Storage Services whose name matches the parameter value.

[-description <text>] - Description (privilege: advanced)

Selects the available Storage Services whose description matches the parameter value. This field is a text description of the Storage Service.

[-expected-iops-per-tb <integer>] - Expected IOPS per TB (privilege: advanced)

Selects the available Storage Services whose expected IOPs per TB matches the parameter value. This field is the number of IOPs per provisioned TB nominally guaranteed by this Storage Service.

[-peak-iops-per-tb <integer>] - Peak IOPS per TB (privilege: advanced)

Selects the available Storage Services whose peak IOPs per TB matches the parameter value. This field is the number of IOPs per provisioned TB used as the maximum Quality of Service (QoS) throttle.

[-absolute-min-iops <integer>] - Absolute Minimum IOPS (privilege: advanced)

Selects the available Storage Services whose absolute minimum IOPs matches the parameter value. This field is the minimum number of IOPs used as the Quality of Service (QoS) throttle, if larger than the values calculated using the IOPs per TB parameters.

[-target-latency <integer>] - Target Latency (ms) (privilege: advanced)

Selects the available Storage Service whose target latency matches the parameter value.

[-aggr-list <aggregate name>,…​] - Aggregate List (privilege: advanced)

Selects the available Storage Services whose aggregate list matches the parameter value. The aggregates shown are the only ones used for provisioning when the corresponding Vserver and Storage Service are selected.


cluster1::*> storage-service show
Vserver Storage Service  Description
------- -------------- ----------------------------------------------
        extreme        Extreme Performance
        performance    Performance
        value          Value
3 entries were displayed.

The example above displays all the Storage Services in the cluster.