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Security management overview with System Manager

Contributors netapp-thomi netapp-forry netapp-dbagwell netapp-mwallis netapp-ahibbard netapp-aherbin

Beginning with ONTAP 9.7, you can manage cluster security with System Manager.

With System Manager, you use ONTAP standard methods to secure client and administrator access to storage and to protect against viruses. Advanced technologies are available for encryption of data at rest and for WORM storage.

If you are using the classic System Manager (available only in ONTAP 9.7 and earlier), refer to System Manager Classic (ONTAP 9.0 to 9.7)

Virus scanning

You can use integrated antivirus functionality on the storage system to protect data from being compromised by viruses or other malicious code. ONTAP virus scanning, called Vscan, combines best-in-class third-party antivirus software with ONTAP features that give you the flexibility you need to control which files get scanned and when.


ONTAP offers both software- and hardware-based encryption technologies for ensuring that data at rest cannot be read if the storage medium is repurposed, returned, misplaced, or stolen.

WORM storage

SnapLock is a high-performance compliance solution for organizations that use write once, read many (WORM) storage to retain critical files in unmodified form for regulatory and governance purposes.