vserver services name-service cache group-membership settings modify
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Modify Group Membership Cache Configuration
Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the advanced privilege level.
The vserver services name-service cache group-membership settings modify
command modifies the group membership cache configuration of the specified Vserver.
-vserver <vserver name>
- Vserver (privilege: advanced)-
Use this parameter to specify the Vserver for which the group membership cache settings need to be modified.
[-is-enabled {true|false}]
- Is Cache Enabled? (privilege: advanced)-
Use this parameter to specify if the cache needs to be enabled for the group membership database. The value
means the cache is enabled and the valuefalse
means the cache is diabled. The default value for this parameter istrue
. [-grplist-ttl <[<integer>h][<integer>m][<integer>s]>]
- Time to Live for Grplist (privilege: advanced)-
Use this parameter to specify the time(in hours, minutes and seconds) for which the group membership entries need to be cached. The default value is 24 hours.
The following example modifies the group membership cache configuration settings for Vserver vs0:
cluster1::> vserver services name-service cache group-membership settings modify -vserver vs0 -ttl 600
The following example disables the group membership cache for Vserver vs0:
cluster1::> vserver services name-service cache group-membership settings modify -vserver vs0 -is-enabled false