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ONTAP commands
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network port ifgrp add-port

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Add a port to an interface group

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The network port ifgrp add-port command adds a network port to a port interface group. The port interface group must already exist. You can create a port interface group by using the network port ifgrp create command.

The following restrictions apply to port interface groups:

  • A port that is already a member of a port interface group cannot be added to another port interface group.

  • Cluster ports and management ports cannot be in a port interface group.

  • A port to which a logical interface is already bound cannot be added to a port interface group.

  • A port that already has an assigned failover role cannot be added to a port interface group.

  • A VLAN port cannot be added to a port interface group.

  • A port which attaches to a VLAN cannot be added to a port interface group.

  • An interface group port cannot be added to a port interface group.

  • A port that is assigned to a broadcast domain cannot be added to a port interface group.

  • All ports in a port interface group must be physically located on the same node.


-node {<nodename>|local} - Node

The node on which the port interface group is located.

-ifgrp <ifgrp name> - Interface Group Name

The port interface group to which a port is to be added.

-port <netport> - Specifies the name of port.

The network port that is to be added to the port interface group.


The following example adds port e0c to port interface group a1a on a node named node1:

cluster1::> network port ifgrp add-port -node node1 -ifgrp a1a -port e0c