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ONTAP commands
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vserver iscsi command show

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Display active iSCSI commands

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


This command displays the status of active iSCSI commands in an iSCSI session. If you specify an iSCSI command ID, the command shows what commands are active in a session and is useful for initiator debugging.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver

Use this parameter to display a list of active iSCSI commands that match the Vserver name that you specify.

[-tpgroup <text>] - Target Portal Group

Use this parameter to display a list of active iSCSI commands that are within the target portal group.

[-tsih <integer>] - Target Session ID

Use this parameter to display a list of active iSCSI commands that match the target session ID handle that you specify.

[-command-id <integer>] - Command ID

Use this parameter to display a list of active iSCSI commands that match the command ID that you specify.

[-initiator-name <text>] - Initiator Name

Use this parameter to display a list of active iSCSI commands that match the initiator name that you specify.

[-initiator-alias <text>] - Initiator Alias

Use this parameter to display a list of active iSCSI commands that match the initiator alias that you specify.

[-isid <text>] - Initiator Session ID

Use this parameter to display a list of active iSCSI commands that match the initiator session ID that you specify.

[-command-sub-id <integer>] - Command Sub ID

Use this parameter to display a list of active iSCSI commands that match the command sub ID that you specify.

[-command-state <iSCSI Command States>] - Command State

Use this parameter to display a list of active iSCSI commands that match the command state that you specify.

[-command-type {Sequenced|Imm_Taskmgmt|Imm_Other}] - Command Type

If you use this parameter, the command displays a list of active iSCSI commands that contains the specified command type. The command types indicate:

  • "Sequenced" — the system processes the commands in sequence

  • "Imm_Taskmgmt" — the system processes the commands immediately

  • "Imm_Other" — the system processes the commands as queued


cluster1::> vserver iscsi command show -instance -vserver vs_1
server: vs_1
        Target Portal Group Name: tpgroup_1
               Target Session ID: 2
                      Command ID: 20797
                  Initiator Name:
                 Initiator Alias: alias_1
            Initiator Session ID: 00:02:3d:01:00:00
                  Command Sub ID: 20797
                   Command State: Scsicdb_Waiting_STLayer
                    Command Type: Sequenced

Displays detailed information for active iSCSI commands in Vserver vs_1.