lun.vtoc events

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Creating your file...
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the rebuilding of the Vdisk Table of Contents (VTOC) file is complete.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
The VTOC has been rebuilt for the volume %s (DSID %llu).
- Parameters
volume_name (STRING): Name of the volume for which the VTOC file was rebuilt.
volume_dsid (LONGINT): Data Set ID (DSID) of the volume for which the VTOC file was rebuilt.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a version mismatch is detected for the Vdisk Table of Contents (VTOC) metafile.
- Corrective Action
Rebuild the VTOC metafile for the volume by running the 'lun rescan -build-vtoc' command.
- Syslog Message
A version mismatch has been detected for the VTOC metafile in volume %s (DSID %llu).
- Parameters
volume_name (STRING): Name of the volume for which a version mismatch of the VTOC metafile has been detected.
volume_dsid (LONGINT): Data Set ID (DSID) of the volume for which a version mismatch of the VTOC metafile has been detected.