dbs.drive events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a Distributed Block Store (DBS) event related to drive operations occurs. If the original DBS event specifies multiple drives, then an EMS event is generated for each drive.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
A DBS event occurred, event %s, type %s, service %u, node %u/%s, drive %u/%s, eventID %u.
- Parameters
evtMessage (STRING): Description of the DBS event, including context details.
evtType (STRING): Type of the original DBS event.
serviceID (INT): Service ID that identifies the associated DBS service. It is "0" if there is no associated service.
nodeID (INT): Node ID number of the associated node. It is "0" if there is no associated node.
nodeUuid (STRING): Generated Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the associated node. It displays zeroes if there is no associated node.
driveID (INT): Drive ID number of the associated drive. It is "0" if there is no associated drive.
driveUuid (STRING): Generated UUID of the associated drive. It displays zeroes if there is no associated drive.
evtID (INT): DBS event ID number.
evtDetails (STRING): Specific details of the DBS event. It displays as a string, in JSON format, or is empty.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when Distributed Block Store (DBS) detects a drive capacity mismatch.
- Corrective Action
Check capacity of drive against other DBS drives on the node. All drives are expected to be the same size.
- Syslog Message
DBS has detected a drive capacity mismatch. Cluster fault node %u, node UUID %s, drives %s, drive UUIDs %s, type %s, fault ID %u, status %u. %s
- Parameters
nodeID (INT): Node ID number of the associated node.
nodeUUID (STRING): Node UUID string of the associated node.
cfDriveIDs (STRING): IDs of the affected drives.
cfDriveUUIDs (STRING): UUIDs of the affected drives.
cfType (STRING): DBS cluster fault type of the associated object.
cfID (INT): DBS cluster fault ID number associated with the fault.
cfStatus (INT): Current status of the cluster fault. 1 = New (just reported), 2 = Existing (updated), 3 = Resolved (closed).
cfDetails (STRING): Details of the hardware mismatch.
cfExtSrc (STRING): DBS cluster fault externalSource label created by the CreateClusterFault API command and attached to the fault for testing purposes.