scsiblade.kernel events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the kernel cluster group for the specified volume is in an indeterminate state.
- Corrective Action
Contact NetApp technical support. For further information about correcting the problem, see the knowledgebase article 2017368.
- Syslog Message
The kernel cluster group for volume MSID 0x%llx of Vserver %s is in an indeterminate state. This will impact SAN management and configuration. Additionally, LUNs might not be accessible on this volume from this node.
- Parameters
volume (LONGINTHEX): Volume identifier.
vserver (STRING): UUID of the Vserver.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the kernel cluster group for the specified Vserver is in an indeterminate state.
- Corrective Action
Contact NetApp technical support. For further information about correcting the problem, see the Knowledgebase article 2017367.
- Syslog Message
The kernel cluster group for Vserver %s is in an indeterminate state. This will impact SAN management and configuration. Additionally, LUNs might not be accessible on this Vserver from this node.
- Parameters
vserver (STRING): UUID of the Vserver.