cifs.domainpwd events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when disabling of CIFS domain password change schedule fails to delete the job for a Vserver.
- Corrective Action
Delete the job on the owning node using 'job delete -id ' command.
- Syslog Message
An attempt to delete the CIFS domain password change job with ID %d for Vserver %s failed. Reason %s.
- Parameters
jobid (LONGINT): CIFS password change job ID that failed to delete.
vserver (STRING): Name of the Vserver for which the password change job failed to delete.
reason (STRING): Reason for the failure to delete the job.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the scheduled job for a CIFS domain password change fails for a Vserver.
- Corrective Action
Disable and enable the feature for the Vserver by using the 'vserver cifs domain password schedule modify -is-schedule-enabled false' and 'vserver cifs domain password schedule modify -is-schedule-enabled true' commands. If the error persists, do the following: 1. Disable the scheduling feature for the password change on the Vserver by using the command specified above. 2. Change password manually by using the 'vserver cifs domain password change' command. 3. Contact NetApp technical support.
- Syslog Message
An attempt to schedule a job to update the domain account password for Vserver %s failed.
- Parameters
vserver (STRING): Name of the Vserver for which the password change job failed.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the CIFS domain password update for a Vserver fails.
- Corrective Action
Try updating the password manually by using the 'vserver cifs domain password change' command. Review recent event logs for addtional information. If the error persists, contact NetApp technical support.
- Syslog Message
An attempt to update the domain account password for Vserver %s failed during %s with the following error: %s
- Parameters
vserver (STRING): Name of the Vserver for which the password update failed.
method (STRING): Method used to update the password.
reason (STRING): Reason for the failure.