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ONTAP EMS reference
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repl.dst events

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This message occurs when a SnapMirror® logical transfer is not possible due to an incompatible reference Snapshot copy on the destination.

Corrective Action

Continue with physical transfers until a new Snapshot copy is created on the source volume and the source volume is converted to dual inode space. Logical transfers can be started after this new Snapshot copy is replicated to the destination volume.

Syslog Message

SnapMirror operation failed because the reference Snapshot copy on the destination volume is either a) from a release prior to Data ONTAP 8.2 b) captured in a nonclustered format c) not upgraded to dual inode space.


dstVolMsid (LONGINT): Destination volume Master Data Set ID (MSID).
dstVolDsid (LONGINT): Destination volume Data Set ID (DSID).
dstVolVserverId (INT): Destination volume Vserver ID.
dstInstanceRefImageUuid (STRING): Destination reference instance Snapshot copy UUID.
dstVersionRefImageUuid (STRING): Destination reference version Snapshot copy UUID.